Friday, December 3, 2010

Exchanging the Elixirs

We met at Crystalworks last night to exchange our Elixirs and to receive our Certificates from Melody. Not everyone showed up and some mailed their Elixirs in. It was great to see some of the fellow students again.

With over 15 Elixirs, it will be interesting to try them ALL. It will take a few MONTHS in order to fairly try them ALL. I think I will try each one for 1 week, then take a week off (to clear the energy from me), then try another for a week, etc...

When trying something new I like to give it a few days to really see how it affects me - a week I think will give me a good sense of the Elixir. Taking a week off from the Elixirs gives time for the energy of the Elixir to leave my energy system, before trying a new Elixir.

I think everyone liked my presentation - label and info sheets - of my Blue Apatite. Karen told me that they were very professional and that I should do the Elixirs commercially, no one else is doing them. That she would be willing to assist me in doing it commercially.

It was great to get the "Certificate" from Melody. Some of my friends and I often have a discussion on the use of the term "Master". "Master of Crystology" is a nice title but are we really MASTERS? 

To me the 2 levels of workshops that Melody gave us, gives us ALL the KNOWLEDGE to BECOME MASTERS OF CRYSTOLOGY. However, to truly BECOME MASTERS, we need a few YEARS of EXPERIENCE with that KNOWLEDGE. It is the same discussion I have with the MASTER DEGREE IN REIKI. The question is - are we really MASTERS without the EXPERIENCE?

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