Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Carnelian Elixir -1

I started the Carnelian Elixir today and will be taking it daily for the next week. I am looking forward to how the Carnelian energy works.

I will post my observation over the next few days.


  1. I just started a Carnelian elixir today and would like to know how your experience was.

  2. I have been distracted shortly after starting the Carnelian and have not yet returned to the Elixir.

    The few days that I was taking it I did feel more confident and energized in my day-to-day activities. I did not take it long enough to get a solid experience with the Elixir. I do hope to return to working with it soon.

    I would be interested to hear of your experience with the Carnelian Elixir.

  3. Hi Ron, thanks for responding, my experience has been amazing in only 4 days. I have been battling sciatica for some time as well as psoriasis in the affected limb and I am so happy with the effect the elixir has had. The pain is gone, the skin seems to be healing already, I feel more energized overall and wonderfully grounded. The elixir is doing everything it is reputed to do so I am going to continue for a few days more. I am interested to see if the pain comes back when I stop. I am starting a blog on trujournal to track my progress as this is my first elixir experience. I'll let you know what develops.

  4. Marie, you can leave a link to your blog here by just putting the URL in the comment box. I would be interested in visiting your blog when you start... I am glad to hear your experience with the Elixir.
