Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Carnelian Elixir -1

I started the Carnelian Elixir today and will be taking it daily for the next week. I am looking forward to how the Carnelian energy works.

I will post my observation over the next few days.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Laying-on-of-Stones -2

I did another Array of Stones with a friend of mine last night. It was the "TAU" Array from Melody's book. In her book she recommended that the number of Stones to use is a multiple of 2. I use 16 Crystals - 3 Citrine and 13 Clear Quartz. 

It worked "okay" but I was not happy with it. I really do need to find a proper SPACE to do these layouts in. It is not only the actual PHYSICAL SPACE needed, but also a place where I can set the proper environment in with the time and space to set a proper ritual to set the INTENTION and connecting with the SPIRIT of the MINERAL KINGDOM.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Blue Apatite Elixir - 3

I finished the week with the Blue Apatite and I am now taking a week off from the Elixirs to clear my energy. Next week I want to start the Carnelian Elixir.

The week with the Apatite was a very powerful week. The energy with my Aura was and is stronger, the clearity of thought was very powerful - both with a friend and with working with Laying-on-of-Stones and other thoughts that surfaced. Even my eyesight seems to be brighter and sharper.

With the positive experience with the Apatite it will be exciting to experience the Carnelian...

Laying-on-of-Stones - 1

I did my first Laying-on-of-Stones session with a friend of mine, since the Workshop with Melody. It was stimulating to be working with the Crystals/Stones in this manner [I am just going to use the term Stone for both Crystals and Stones from here on]. It was my friend's first experience with this way of working with the Stones, and was extremely satisfying for her.

This method of working with the Stones is very POWERFUL, but it requires a very SAFE and SUPPORTIVE environment. The recipient of the Array is opening their ENERGETIC BODY to the ENERGY around them (the Stones), the environment needs to be CLEAR of other ENERGIES. The one laying out the Array needs to keep their INTENTION supportive and to keep the space SAFE for the recipient.

The different layout patterns of the Stones are called ARRAYS and the Array I used was a pattern that came to me in a DREAM and is designed to ENERGIZE and STRENGTHEN one's AURA. The  Array worked very well and their are improvements I want to make with this Array. 

I am really looking forward to doing more sessions of Laying-on-of-Stones and have a plan to do one of the Arrays that is in Melody's book with a friend soon. I will post on it when I have done the array.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Elixir vs the physical Crystal/Stone

I was asked the difference with just being with the physical Crystal/Stone and using the Elixir? 

We are VERY PHYSICAL BEINGS and both our VISUAL and our sense of TOUCH are very powerful senses that we use to define our PHYSICAL WORLD. We become desensitized to the ENERGY that creates our PHYSICAL WORLD. The ELIXIR takes the Visual and Feel of the Crystal/Stone away, so we can concentrate on the ENERGY of the Crystal/Stone.

Another feature of the ELIXIR deals with HOW WE ASSIMILATE CHI (ENERGY). 

Our Energetic Body incorporates Energy into its system in different ways. In the ancient Chinese traditions of working with the body's Chi system there are two basic ways that we do this - our BREATHE and our FOOD. 

When we take a BREATHE IN our body will incorporate some of the Chi in the AIR into our Energetic Body. When we BREATH OUT we will release some STAGNATE Chi out of our Energetic Body. In this way we are ENERGIZING our Energetic Body. When we EAT we also go through this process of assimilating some of the Chi in our FOOD.

To a large degree this process of ASSIMILATING other sources of CHI into our ENERGY BODY is accomplished at a UNCONSCIOUS state, we can increase the efficiency of this process when we are consciously AWARE of this process and we make a conscious INTENTION to ASSIMILATE the CHI. We do this when we are taking the GEM ELIXIRS.

With the PHYSICAL STONES  we need to do more work, with our AWARENESS and INTENTION, in order to ASSIMILATE their CHI (ENERGY). We do not NATURALLY assimilate ENERGY through our AURA for the reason of SETTING OUR BOUNDARIES and our SAFETY. If we NATURALLY assimilated the ENERGY around us we would be very distracted and have a much more difficult time focusing, and we would be much more vulnerable to the influences around us.

With the GEM ELIXIRS we are able to ASSIMILATE the CHI of the CRYSTALS/STONES in a much more NATURAL and EFFECTIVE manner.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Blue Apatite Elixir -2

I have been trying the Elixir and I am on my 3rd day. I can taste a little of the Brandy, which surprises me as there was only 1oz in 2 liters of Elixir. 

The Energy I felt right away, the strengthening of my Aura. I could feel the Apatite energy merging with my Aura and strengthening the edges of the Aura. I have been working with my Energy Body for many years and I know my Energy very well. The Apatite Energy was very subtle but it was there.

Yesterday I had a realization, one of those "aha.." moments. I had been confused and unsure of a dream I had a few weeks ago, and it had been haunting me. It became extremely CLEAR and without any doubts attached, I knew exactly what I had to do. This CLARITY OF THOUGHT is part of the characteristics of the BLUE APATITE. I do not believe in coincidences, so I account this moment of CLARITY to the APATITE.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Blue Apatite Elixir

I have decided that I need to try my own Elixir before trying the others. So I have started taking my Blue Apatite Elixir this morning. The first 2 days I will take a few drops throughout the day (when my INTUITION tells me). After the 2 days I will cut the dose down to 1 or 2 per day for the rest of the week (7 days).

There was a freshness and a little sweetness to the drops I took this morning. Some may credit this to the small about of Brandy, but I do not think so for two reasons -
  1. The amount of Brandy is too small to account for this taste.
  2. Brandy is not usually SWEET, and it was not a ALCOHOL taste.
I could feel the Elixir affecting my AURA. I have worked with my Energy System (Chakras, Meridians and Aura) for a number of years and know my Energy very well. How the Elixir is affecting my AURA is difficult to say. It will be interesting to see how the week goes, and how my AURA is affected.

I will post more in the next few days.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Mixing Elixir in Hot Liquids...

Mixing the Elixirs in Hot Liquids seems to be a option for some. Although I do not recommend mixing the Elixir in Hot Liquids, does not mean the Elixir is not effective when mixed in Hot Liquids. Mixing the Elixir in coffee or tea will make the coffee or tea much more energizing, how much of the energy is lost in the steam is questionable. One may add a couple of extra drops in the Hot Liquid to accommodate the lose of some of the energy in the steam.

Mixing in Hot Liquids will evaporate the small amount of Brandy from the Elixir. If the Brandy is a concern then by all means mix the Elixir in your tea or coffee. One will still benefit from the Elixir.

Another way of utilizing the benefit of the Elixir is TROPICALLY. One can anoint the third-eye chakra with the Elixir or any other part of the body. Going with one's INTUITION is always beneficial when using the Elixir.


Carnelian Elixir

The first Elixir I will be trying will be the Carnelian Elixir. I will start taking the Elixir Monday morning and the first couple of days will take a few drops 2 or 3 times during the day, then just 1 a day until next Sunday.

With all the different Elixirs it will be difficult to try each one fully. It could take a full YEAR to try each one for a week, then a week off to clear the energy. I will pick 6, starting with the Carnelian, and see how these go.

On each Elixir I try, I will post comments on what I FEEL or SENSE well taking the Elixir.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Exchanging the Elixirs

We met at Crystalworks last night to exchange our Elixirs and to receive our Certificates from Melody. Not everyone showed up and some mailed their Elixirs in. It was great to see some of the fellow students again.

With over 15 Elixirs, it will be interesting to try them ALL. It will take a few MONTHS in order to fairly try them ALL. I think I will try each one for 1 week, then take a week off (to clear the energy from me), then try another for a week, etc...

When trying something new I like to give it a few days to really see how it affects me - a week I think will give me a good sense of the Elixir. Taking a week off from the Elixirs gives time for the energy of the Elixir to leave my energy system, before trying a new Elixir.

I think everyone liked my presentation - label and info sheets - of my Blue Apatite. Karen told me that they were very professional and that I should do the Elixirs commercially, no one else is doing them. That she would be willing to assist me in doing it commercially.

It was great to get the "Certificate" from Melody. Some of my friends and I often have a discussion on the use of the term "Master". "Master of Crystology" is a nice title but are we really MASTERS? 

To me the 2 levels of workshops that Melody gave us, gives us ALL the KNOWLEDGE to BECOME MASTERS OF CRYSTOLOGY. However, to truly BECOME MASTERS, we need a few YEARS of EXPERIENCE with that KNOWLEDGE. It is the same discussion I have with the MASTER DEGREE IN REIKI. The question is - are we really MASTERS without the EXPERIENCE?

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Gem Elixirs - working with the SPIRITS

Creating the Blue Apatite Elixir was extremely enjoyable, I really liked working with the SPIRITS of both the Apatite and the Water.

The ENERGY and the PHYSICAL ATTRACTION of the many types of Crystals and Stones have always attracted me to them and I enjoy being around them. However, with my Shamanic training I know that there is a DEEPER level to the Crystals & Stones. The SOURCE of the awesome ENERGY of the Crystals & Stones is the SPIRITS of the many different types of Crystals & Stones. The SPIRITS of the Crystals & Stones are as beautiful and awesome as the Energies and their PHYSICAL MANIFESTATIONS. It is the SPIRIT of the Crystals & Stones that I want to work with!

Making the Blue Apatite Elixir allowed me to work with the SPIRIT of the Apatite and as a bonus the SPIRIT of the Water. The Water was another joy that was a little surprising. 

It is clear to me that I will be doing much more work with GEM ELIXIRS in the future. I have already decided my next Elixir will be BLOODSTONE. Work with the Elixir is a strong way of working with the SPIRITS of the many Crystals & Stones. I was reminded of a book [Plant Spirit Medicine: The Healing Power of Plants by Eliot Cowan] where the author heals his clients with the SPIRIT of the Plants and NOT the Physical Plant itself. I can do this with the Crystals & Stones working with the SPIRIT in the form of ELIXIRS.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Apatite Elixir - 6

The glass-tube did not work. The whole in the tube was too big to create a tight seal with my thumb and I could not keep the Elixir in the tube. I did buy a glass measuring cup and used that to bottle the Elixir. It took a day longer. I ended up with 55.5 bottles - 40-25ml plus 15.5-50ml bottles.

I printed up the labels and it went really smooth, printed the 56 labels in about a minute. The labels lined up perfectly with the printer.

I am now ready to exchange the Elixir with the rest of the class. We are meeting on Thursday and I am getting excited to try the 28 different Elixirs.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Apatite Elixir - 5

The bottles took all week to purify. Today I will dry the last 10 bottles. 60 bottles is a lot of bottles (40 25ml & 20 50ml). I found a glass tube for bottling the Elixir. I had to buy one of those glass bulbs with a long tube that is used for watering plants. I took it to a glass store and had them cut the long tube off. I hope it works....

Tomorrow is the FULL-MOON and I will start bottling the Elixir. If the glass tube doesn't work it will take some time to bottle 60 bottles with the DROPPER.

I will do a ceremony with the brandy and concluding the Elixir process, including a PIPE CEREMONY to bless the Elixir.

I still need to print up the labels and to label the bottles. I hope to have everything finished by Tuesday and to drop off the 30 bottles at Crystalworks on Tuesday.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Apatite Elixir - 4

I started the process of purifying the bottles and droppers:

I used a glass bowl and used the last 2 liters of distilled Water. I offered some tobacco to the cedar tree outside my place and picked some cedar brows.

I smudged the bowl, water, cedar and bottles.

I then sat with the Water and awaken the Spirit of the Water to my intention and asked the Water to work with the Cedar to purify the bottles and droppers.

I then sat with the Cedar and awaken the Spirit of the Cedar to my intention and asked the Cedar to work with the Water to purify the bottles and droppers.

I then put the Cedar in the bowl of Water and was able to fit 20 bottles and droppers in the bowl of Cedar-Water to purify. The bottles and droppers need to soak in the Cedar-Water for at least 24 hours.

With 60 bottles and droppers to purify it will take a minimum of 3 days to do them all. I will keep the purified bottles and droppers in a dark drawer with some SAGE to keep them in their purified state until bottling.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Gem Elixirs

I have really enjoyed doing the Blue Apatite Elixir and I would like to try 2 other Stones before deciding how successful the Elixirs are.

I would like to try it again and see how the process goes and if I can refine the process. Connecting with the Spirit of the Stone and the Water is extremely inspiring. The next Stone I would like to work with is Bloodstone - Grounding, Courage & Blood purifying. It would make an interesting Elixir.

I think I will try to start the Bloodstone Elixir at the next New Moon. I don't know how the time will work out, after finishing with the Blue Apatite, it may not be until the following New Moon.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Apatite Elixir - 3

I have been working with the Elixir and the Apatite over the past few days. Not so much with the Elixir itself, but creating the bottle labels, writing a short info sheet.

I have also been asking for guidance on adding alcohol to the Elixir. At the beginning I did not think I would add any, as I did not see any reason to. The fact that the instructions say to, is not a good enough reason for me, I needed more. I have decided to add one ounce of alcohol to the 2 liters of Elixir. The reason I have come to this, that the alcohol acts as a finisher to the Elixir creation process, it ends the interaction of the Water and Apatite Energies. The alcohol also acts to encapsulate the Elixir to preserving it. There does not need to be a lot of alcohol so 1 oz to 2 L is adequate.

I have been back and forth on this issue of adding the alcohol over the last few days. However, this issue of finishing the process and preserving the Elixir is very strong.

Another strong thought I have had over the last few days is the issue of HEAT and the Elixir. Heat is the result of chemical reaction and it is the HEAT of our Body (37 degrees C or 98.6 degrees F) that releases the Apatite energy from the Water molecules to work with our Body's energy system. With HEAT being the trigger to releasing the Apatite energy it is beneficial that the Elixir not be mixed with HOT LIQUIDS for maximum effect. This does not mean that one cannot mix the Elixir in their Tea or other hot drinks or even soups, but the effect will not be the same.

As I have mentioned earlier I have 2 Liters of the Elixir being made. 2 Liters is a lot more than 30 - 25ml bottles can hold. There is 1000ml to 1 liter, so I bought another 30 bottles - 10 - 25ml and 20 - 50ml bottles. This gives me enough bottles to bottle the 2 Liters of Elixir.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Blue Apatite Elixir


The Energy and Spirit of the Blue Apatite benefits and support us in many ways. The Energy of the Apatite aligns with our 6th Chakra and helps to clear and to energize this Chakra. The Energy of the Apatite also energizes and helps to strengthen our AURA.

Working with our 6th Chakra means that the Energy and Spirit of Apatite assists us in our mental areas.  Apatite helps us in having CLAIRITY OF THOUGHT – reducing confusion and uncertainty.  In this aspect Apatite is often associated as a “Teacher’s Stone” in that a Teacher needs to have clear thoughts in order to teach their students. On the other side of this as a student (we are all students of LIFE) Apatite can help us to clearly understand our LESSONS.

Our 6th Chakra is our Third-eye Chakra and as such the Spirit of Apatite can assist us in the development of our Psychic abilities. We all have Psychic abilities but not always aware of them or focused to develop them, Apatite can help with this.


Apatite can work on reducing or alleviating HEADACHES and as the name implies it BALANCES ONE’S APATITE. If one is always hungry, Apatite can reduce these states. If one is never hungry, Apatite can stimulate one’s hunger (helpful with eating disorders).  Apatite also assists in relieving EYE STRAIN caused by sitting at the computer for hours and with other Physical Eye Issues


The Blue Apatite Elixir has the Energy of the Blue Apatite fused with the Energy of the Water. The Water is an excellent receptor for this Energy. When we put 2 or 3 drops of the Elixir under our tongue the heat of our body will release the Apatite energy to merge with our Energy. This is why I do not recommend mixing the Elixir in hot liquids.  The Elixir can be mixed with drinking water or juices.

When taking the Elixir try and be more mindful of both your body’s Energy and your mental state. Your body’s Energy may be more energized and you may find less confusion and more confidence in your mental state. Also be aware of your INTUITION as it may be heightened. These are subtle energies and we can easily discount them if we are not mindful of them.

You can download the Information Sheet on the Blue Apatite Elixir at http://docs.com/95NP

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Apatite Elixir - 2

I started the process last night. I set up the alter for the Elixir to work. I smudged the area with Sage. Offered my offering of Tobacco to the spirits to assist in the process.

I called upon the SPIRIT of the WATER and the Mineral Kingdom and the family of APATITE, specifically the BLUE APATITE.

When I was meditating with the WATER and calling upon the SPIRIT of the WATER I asked the WATER to be open to receiving the ENERGY of the APATITE.

I was immediately warned not to stay connected to the WATER very long, or it would start to absorb my own ENERGY instead of the APATITE. I quickly received a mental image of the WATER molecule and suddenly the molecule POPPED OPEN. I do not know how else to explain it, the molecule did not physically change but I had a strong awareness that the molecule was suddenly aware and open to RECEIVE. I quickly put the container back on the alter and left the WATER, to set my attention on the APATITE.

The APATITE took a little longer. I meditated and connected with the SPIRIT of the APATITE FAMILY and called to the BLUE APATITE. I asked the APATITE to connect its ENERGY and SPIRIT with the WATER. I explained to the APATITE of the Elixir and the INTENTION of the Elixir to SERVE to assist the HUMAN KINGDOM. I waited and held my crystal of APATITE and stayed connected with the SPIRIT until I felt the SPIRIT was in acceptance of my request. I then put the crystal in the container of WATER. I put a glass plate upside-down over the top of the container to keep any other ENERGIES from contaminating the Elixir.

I then placed an ARRAY of crystals around the container. 4 APATITE crystals (1 in each of the 4 directions) plus 4 small clear quartz crystals (1 in each of the cross-directions) with the terminations pointing inwards towards the container. I worked with the clear quartz crystals and asked them to work with the APATITE and to strengthen the APATITE ENERGY.

I plan to sit with the alter each night until the FULL-MOON and the Elixir will be ready to bottle. I will post on this as things develop.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Apatite Elixir - 1

I got my 30 bottles with dropper, my distalled water, glass container and apatite crystal. Tonight is the New Moon so I will start the Elixir tonight.

From my Shaman path, the WATER is as important as the APATITE, both have a SPIRIT that needs to work together to create the ELIXIR. Tonight when I meditate with the New Moon I will call upon the Spirit of the Water and the Apatite to begin the process.

Tomorrow I will post on the night's meditation and the connection with the SPIRITS.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Mineral Kingdom

The Mineral Kingdom is the Elder of the 4 Kingdoms and posses the WISDOM of the ages. Members of the Mineral Kingdom are the many different STONES & CRYSTALS that we find our self playing with. The Mineral Kingdom has been here since the beginning of CREATION and long before any of the other Kingdoms appeared.

The different members of the Mineral Kingdom, I refer to as the different families of the Mineral Kingdom. For example - Citrine is a family of the Mineral Kingdom, Apatite is another, Tourmaline is another and etc.

Tourmaline is an interesting example as there are many different colours or types of Tourmaline. All of the different types of Tourmaline are BROTHERS & SISTERS but they are ALL a part of the Tourmaline FAMILY.

ALL the members of the Mineral Kingdom have a CONSCIOUSNESS and a SPIRIT just like any other KINGDOM. We can connect to this consciousness and spirit when we set our INTENTION to do so.

The CHALLENGE of comprehending the Mineral Kingdom's CONSCIOUSNESS:

We interpret LIFE and CONSCIOUSNESS according to what we EXPERIENCE. We define CONSCIOUSNESS by how we experience CONSCIOUSNESS, this is a very limiting definition.

We are part of the HUMAN KINGDOM and as such we are the NEW KIDS on the block of LIFE. The ANIMAL KINGDOM is very closely related to our KINGDOM, some even include us in the ANIMAL KINGDOM. We can easily relate to the ANIMAL KINGDOM, because they demonstrate a very similar LIFE experience; they move around, they breath, they eat, they reproduce, they have communities. The ANIMAL KINGDOM experiences LIFE in much the same manner that we do, we can easily relate. They experience DEATH much as we do!

The PLANT KINGDOM is more removed from us. We still consider PLANTS as LIFE, but not so sure of CONSCIOUSNESS. The reason being is that PLANTS have very little that is similar to us. PLANTS experience and expresses themselves differently than we do (or ANIMALS). However, we do enjoy having PLANTS around us, flowers and other house-plants. They add LIFE to our environment.

In fact the PLANT KINGDOM demonstrates a CONSCIOUSNESS that is not as obvious as ANIMALS do. There is an interesting book - "Secret Life of Plants" - where the PLANTS CONSCIOUSNESS is measured and observed. Where the Plant responds to its environment, even responding when there is VIOLENCE in their environment. The Plants do everything that we and animals do, just differently. This difference does not mean that the PLANTS are less alive or conscious, just different.

There is another interesting book - "Plant Spirit Medicine" - that even goes farther on this. The author works in the Healing Arts and calls upon the SPIRIT of the Plants to heal his clients. What I mean is that he will often give his client a potted plant to look after and to keep beside their beds. The client is to look after the plant, but not to use any physical part of the plant. The SPIRIT OF THE PLANT is what heals the client, not the PHYSICAL PLANT. The author has successfully healed his clients through this process.

One of the big differences that begins with the PLANT KINGDOM, is the concepts of BIRTH & DEATH. In the Animal and Human Kingdoms these are very much the same. Plants are the starting point of where this PHYSICAL REALM is a Realm of MORTALITY.

Plants have an extremely diverse LIFE-SPAN. Some Plants will only be around for 1 year, others like the great REDWOODS will be around for HUNDREDS OF YEARS. It is this extreme variation in the Life-Span of PLANTS that begins the possibility that DEATH may not be as inevitable as we believe.

The MINERAL KINGDOM is much more removed from us, to a point that we do not normally see the Mineral Kingdom as being ALIVE, let alone with a CONSCIOUSNESS.

The UNDERSTANDING that the MINERAL KINGDOM is ALIVE and CONSCIOUS is the ENERGY that they consist of. Quantum Science tells us that EVERYTHING in our Physical Universe is composed from ENERGY and that EVERYTHING is connected through this ENERGY. They refer to this ENERGY as the FABRIC OF LIFE.

The QUESTION is how this FABRIC is weaved? This FABRIC OF ENERGY is weaved by the CONSCIOUSNESS OF ONE that is the SPIRIT REALM. This means that EVERYTHING in our Physical Universe is a part of this CONSCIOUSNESS OF ONE, and that EVERYTHING (including the MINERAL KINGDOM) has a CONSCIOUSNESS. Everything has to have a CONSCIOUSNESS or it would not exist in this Physical Universe [without consciousness it would not be a part of this FABRIC OF LIFE].

This means that the RIVER that may flow past your home, also has a CONSCIOUSNESS/SPIRIT as well. The STONES in the RIVER also has SPIRIT.

How we CONNECT to these foreign SPIRITS?

As members of the HUMAN KINGDOM we have a trait that is unique and it is our IMAGINATION. ONE of the major differences between the ANIMAL KINGDOM and the HUMAN KINGDOM, is the aspect of our IMAGINATION. Our IMAGINATION is a very powerful facet of our BEING. It is both a BLESSING and a CURSE. It is our IMAGINATION that allows us to CREATE, it also means that we are seldom happy with what we have because we can IMAGINE SOMETHING BETTER.

Our IMAGINATION is our doorway to the SPIRIT REALM. The IMAGINATION is like any POWERFUL TOOL, it can be misused and can even be dangerous. When we use our IMAGINATION with our EXPECTATIONS or DESIRES we can CREATE a FANTASY that can be misleading. This can happen when we are using our IMAGINATION to connect with the SPIRIT REALM. Our IMAGINATION is like any other tool, it is how we use it that makes it a BLESSING or a CURSE.

When we are using our IMAGINATION to connect with the MINERAL KINGDOM, we are using it to move out of our Left Hemisphere of our brain and into our Right Hemisphere. The Left Hemisphere is where our LOGICAL thinking occurs, and our LOGICAL MIND does not like the idea of talking to a STONE. The Right Hemisphere is where our CREATIVE thinking occurs and this is where the POSSIBILITY of talking to a STONE can be acceptable.

When we are being challenged in connecting with the MINERAL KINGDOM we need to ask our self one question:


When we ask our self this question we immediately move from our Left Hemisphere to our Right Hemisphere and we activate our IMAGINATION. When we ask this question, we need to be as OPEN as possible to ACCEPT whatever comes to us.

What I mean by being OPEN, is not to let our EXPECTATIONS or DESIRES to influence WHAT WE IMAGINE. The important point here is not that we have imagined what we experienced from the STONE, it is WHAT we have imagined that is IMPORTANT. When we are truly OPEN it is WHAT we imagine that is coming from the STONE. Our EXPECTATIONS and DESIRES come from our LOGICAL MIND (Left Hemisphere) that is trying to influence our IMAGINATION.

When we are connecting to the MINERAL KINGDOM we are connecting to the ENERGY and the SPIRIT of the KINGDOM, not the PHYSICAL aspect. This means that WHAT we experience will come in the form - Energy, Emotion, Feelings and/or Thoughts. We need to be AWARE on all of these fronts.

We need to ACCEPT, WHAT we experience, without DOUBT or DISBELIEF. DOUBT and DISBELIEF is again from our LOGICAL MIND and our Left hemisphere. Our LOGICAL MIND is uncomfortable dealing with the Energy & Spiritual Realms as it is difficult for our LOGICAL MIND to comprehend these NON-PHYSICAL realms.

Healthy skepticism is always good, as long as we do not allow the skepticism to limit our experiences.


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Laying-on-of-Stones - Soup

Since the end of the Melody's workshops I have been wondering what it would be like with limited types of Crystals, in the Arrays.

During the workshops there was such a mixture of Stones & Crystals from everyone's own collection that I find it often becomes like a SOUP of ENERGY. Everyone loves a good SOUP, it is nourishing and energizing.

I wonder how effective that last large exercise would have been with just a few different Stones & Crystals (with the Triangle, Circle and Square).

Clear Quartz works with any Stone or Crystal and is great to direct the energy. If we limited the Triangle to just Amethysts, the Circle to just Rose Quartz, and the Square to Kyanite. I wonder how this would be experienced compared to the mixture that we experienced in the workshop?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Melody's requirement of keeping a hand on our client during a session I found to be very GROUNDING. Although we were not suppose to GROUND energetically I found the constant touch of the practitioner to be GROUNDING.

I find the sensation of TOUCH to be very strong when working with our ENERGY SYSTEMS. When I do Energy Work I DO NOT LAY MY HANDS ON THE PERSON. I keep my hands half inch to 1 inch above the person. Keeping my hands above the person allows me to sense the energy of the Chakra I am working on, plus I can sense the energy flowing from my palms. When my hands are touching the person my sense of TOUCH over-powers my sense of the ENERGY.

Melody's position with the constant TOUCH is not to ABANDON our client. I think "ABANDON" needs to be defined. I am not sure how Melody would think of my practice. When I start a Reiki session I settle the client in position and place my Crystals around the client. THEN I LEAVE THE ROOM OR SPACE FOR 5 TO 10 MINUTES and leave the client alone with the CRYSTALS. I tell the client that I am leaving them alone with the CRYSTALS for 5 to 10 minutes and I want them to relax and to enjoy the ENERGY OF THE CRYSTALS. To say that I ABANDON my client, I would disagree in that I am putting my client in the care of the CRYSTALS.

To me it is important to leave the client completely alone with the CRYSTALS. When we are ALONE we are much less guarded, and in a better position to RECEIVE. The CRYSTAL energy encourages this state to RECEIVE, and being alone with them the client quickly enters into this state. When I return to give the Reiki session the client is very much in a state to RECEIVE the energy. This allows me to give a 30 minute session that would normally require 60 minutes.

Apatite Elixir

I will try to blog while doing this assignment from Melody's workshop. I hope to start on the next NEW MOON.

I talked to Karen the other day and she is not sure how everyone is going to get their Elixir done in a short time. I hope to get my bottles on Friday, if I find a good price and a good source for the bottles I will let everyone know.

I picked Blue Apatite to do my Elixir as one of its properties is to energize the AURA. I believe that most of us do not spend enough time working with our AURA. We work with our Chakras and sometimes with the Meridians, but little focus on our AURA.

Monday, November 1, 2010


The Chakra being OPEN or CLOSED?

What is the benefit of having our Chakras OPEN all of the time? When do we want them CLOSED?

I think the place to begin is to establish the fact that the Chakras are ABLE to be OPEN OR CLOSE. The Chakras are the only Energy system where we have this option, the Meridians have no such option, the Aura we can choose to have close around us or far around us, but no ON/OFF, or OPEN/CLOSE option. With the option of opening or closing the Chakras, there must be a purpose for having this option.

What are our Chakras?

Before we go into the issue of CLOSING or OPENING our Chakras we should understand what our CHAKRAS ARE. In many teachings the Chakras are seen as the ENERGY CENTERS of the ENERGETIC BODY. They are more than just energy centers, they also consists of the different components of our SOUL.

In the Peru Shaman tradition, when we leave this Physical Realm our 8th Chakra (that is about a foot above our head) becomes much bigger. The 7 body Chakras leave the body and enters the 8th Chakra. The 8th chakra then leaves for the Spirit Realm with our SOUL. If the 7 body Chakras are unable to leave the body the SOUL is unable to return to the Spirit realm, until the body decays.

There are many reasons why the 7 body chakras may not be able to leave the body, thus the different rituals on leaving this Physical realm. The point being is that the 7 Chakras are critical parts of our SOUL.

The Chakras are also Energy centers for our Energetic Body and energizes our Meridians and our Aura. The Chakras, Meridians and Aura are always connected and the Opening or Closing of a Chakra does not affect the Chakra's connection with these parts of our Energetic Body.

ALL 7 Chakras energizes our AURA and it is our AURA that interacts with our ENVIRONMENT. With a healthy AURA our AURA will display a rainbow colour, with different colours representing the 7 Chakras. When our AURA interacts with our environment issues can arise with our Chakra through the system that energizes the AURA.


We are able to OPEN and CLOSE our CHAKRAS. We are able to OPEN the Chakra in order to work on the Chakra, we can CHARGE the Chakra, clear any BLOCKAGES in the Chakra and to remove any CORDS that may be giving us problems. We CLOSE the Chakra after we have worked on the Chakra in order to CONSERVE ENERGY and to PROTECT the Chakra from direct interference from our environment, including CORDS that may attach to our Chakra.

Some Shamans will keep their CROWN CHAKRA open and connected with our 8th CHAKRA that resides about a foot above our head. Keeping this Chakra open and connected with the 8th Chakra is believed to keep the Shaman more connected to the SPIRIT REALM, where the Shaman does most of his/her work.

I believe the natural state of the CHAKRAS is CLOSED. That we have to have an INTENTION to OPEN the CHAKRAS. To keep them OPEN also requires a level of INTENTION. This natural state of the CHAKRAS being CLOSED means that it is not necessary to CLOSE the CHAKRA after working on them, as they will CLOSE on their own. However, I think it is good practice to CLOSE the CHAKRA after working on them.

This is my understanding of how the CHAKRAS work and why we OPEN and CLOSE our Chakras.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Melody's workshop and the Chakras

I was somewhat confused with Melody's difference between the BASE CHAKRA and the ROOT CHAKRA. On the physical body there are 7 Chakras - Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Forehead and Crown. At one point Melody stressed that we were not working with the Root Chakra as it goes down from between the legs, but we were working with the BASE CHAKRA. I have always viewed the BASE CHAKRA as the same as the ROOT CHAKRA. If these are two separate Chakras then the body has 8 Chakras, which I have never heard of before.

I did not bother to have her explain this at the time, as we where in the middle of an exercise and time was becoming a issue. I have interpret it as the two are the same Chakra, just that we want the Root Chakra to open in the front of the body and not down towards the earth.

Melody workshop #4

October 27, day two of Melody's Crystal workshop level 2

The last day of level 2. Doing both levels over 5 days was really great, the 1 day off between the 2 levels was needed. These types of workshops I often find to be overwhelming in either the ENERGY or with INFORMATION or both. The day off between the 2 levels allowed me to process some of Level 1 before starting Level 2, it helped.

As much as I learned from Melody and her expert presentation, I also learned from my fellow students. My fellow workshop participants were extremely supportive of each other and participated cooperatively very effectively.

Melody's persistence in having us attuning to each other with each exercise and having each other opening each other's chakra with each exercise, I think went along way to having everyone working together so well. It would be difficult not to be so cooperative with each other, with all the attunement we have had with each other.

I also greatly admired Melody's insistence that we always paired off with strangers that we did not know or had worked with before. This built the cohesiveness of the GROUP of us.

The Elixirs;

I am not sure how long the elixirs are going to take. At first glance it may take awhile as the procedure works with the lunar cycle and it may take a month or TWO to complete. I am doing the Apatite Elixir.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Melody Workshop #3

October 26, day one of Melody's Crystal workshop level 2

The energy exchange was truly awesome, today. I often find the energy in such a classroom as being overwhelming in many ways. The many individuals crystals alone made for a very powerful environment, plus the individuals themselves added to the power. I found it somewhat difficult to evaluate the different layouts and the practices we had, due to this overly energized environment.

The Tibetan Pulsing Chakra Array with 6 practitioners working on 1 client was extreme. Plus attuning to each other 7 times was really making a strong attunement to each other. This really brought to mind Reiki Shares that I have done, it is powerful. I feel it needs to be done carefully with concern for sensitive individuals, some may find the energy too much. I now limit the number of Reiki practitioners to 3 to 1 client, because some find the energy too much.

Doing the Consciousness Desire Array with a partner was a great exercise. However, I found myself stepping over my client, which I would never do under normal circumstances. The space was too tight. 

As I am writing this blog I do not have my notes with me so I am not sure of the spelling on the exercise with the fingers. I really enjoyed this exercise as I found it to be simple and powerful. I do enjoy the SIMPLE practices.

The individuals I also find to be very easy to work with and extremely encouraging and supportive. This is very important when working in such powerful environments. I feel strongly connected to all of them.

As I was walking to the seabus after the day was over, I felt extremely energized. My AURA felt fully charged and difficult to keep close to me. Normally I like my AURA to be no more than about 3 feet around me, but it felt more like 5 feet around me. It felt really positive and people around me responded by not being as close. It was a little odd, on the seabus it was crowded but no one took a seat next to me on either side. It was not that I did not want anyone to sit next to me, it was full. A few looked at the seats next to me and then moved on. Everyone one else was stuffed beside each other, I was the only one with an empty seat on both sides. It was strange but not in a bad way, just odd.

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Energetic Body

Our Energetic Body is much like our Physical Body - organs-chakras; circulation-meridians, skin and muscles-aura. I think most will be surprised that I include our MUSCLES being connected with our AURA. In most teachings we equate our skin to our aura but our muscles are not.


The AURA is much more than just a energy radiating out from our chakras and meridians. Our Aura is how we interact with our environment. We connect with everything around us through our AURA. When we are in a crowded mall we are exchanging energy with everyone around us through our AURAS.

Weak Aura:

With a WEAK AURA we become more sensitive to everything around us. This also leads to reduced energy levels because our weaken AURA is draining energy from our CHAKRAS.

My first Shaman teacher taught me about the AURA's importance and there is an example of a WEAK AURA that I want to share here.

In the class there was 5 students and we stayed with our teacher for about 2 - 3 years. I was the only male in the class. There was this one woman that was extremely sensitive to everything. She was so sensitive that she was barely able to operate in society.

The teacher worked with this woman for 2 years in strengthening her AURA. There was many different exercises that the woman practiced in order to strengthen her AURA. Each year the woman became stronger and stronger. Today she is still a very sensitive person and is an extremely good psychic. However, she is now a lot more able to function in society and she does not loose her energy as easily.

Strong Aura;

I also have an example of a very STRONG AURA. The same teacher as I mentioned in the above example was having a discussion with a person at the center. The person was very skeptical about shamanism and the issue of spiritual energy. With permission of the person the teacher decided to give her a demonstration.

The teacher told the person that she could force the person to leave the center with her ENERGY, without any physical action, against the person's will. The person kind of laughed and agreed on the bet.

It was not long before the person was standing on the street outside the center. The person's skepticism was reduced but not completely, so the teacher forced her to cross the street from the center, still not convinced she was forced down the street.

When the person returned to the center there was no skepticism left and she fully believed in the ENERGY and shamanism.

The point of these two examples is to demonstrate what I mean by our MUSCLES. With our AURA properly set and strengthened we set our BOUNDARIES when we are interacting with our environment. With our AURA unset and weakened we are unable to set our BOUNDARIES and we are unsure of how to react to our environment.


The CORDS that we send out to others and the ones we receive from others originate first within our AURA. It is our AURA that quickly reacts to our INTENTIONS. There are exercises one can do that visually demonstrates how our AURA responds to our INTENTIONS.

When I am driving and I get upset at another driver that cuts me off, I will give the driver a dirty-look and this will send out a thread of negative energy that will connect with the driver. This thread of energy is coming from my AURA, it is the AURA that responds that quickly to my INTENTION. If I quickly release my temporary anger, this thread will dissolve over time. If I hold onto the anger and continue to curse him the thread will become a string, that will grow to a rope and to a CORD. If I continue to send the negative energy the thread not only grows but also works its way through the person's AURA and will attach to a CHAKRA.


Our Chakras are normally closed for the specific reason so that they are not affected by our environment. The Chakras are energy centers and they are to keep our Meridians energized and our AURA energized. The Meridians job is to circulate the energy to the different organs and parts of our physical body. The AURA is to respond to our environment. The Chakras are to keep the energy flowing and balanced.

This is the basic understanding I have of the Energetic Body. There is much more that will be explained when I post about the Energetic Realm of Reality. The issue of how we are energetically connected to everything and how TIME is not how we understand TIME in the Energetic Realm.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Melody's Workshop #2

October 24, day two of Melody's Crystal workshop level 1.

Day Two was great.

First of all I was a half hour early (not being late is always a good start).

It was also good having my Mineral Medicine Bag with me, even though I didn't really need them.

The visiuilation of the clothsline and finding our 'Mass Consciousness Belief' and removing it, brought the feeling of the Spirit Realm to me. In the Shaman tradition the Spirit Realm consists of - Lower World, Middle World and Upper World. The Upper World one climbs stairs, escalator or elevator up into the clouds. The Upper World is where our Higher Self resides, Saints, Angles and other higher energy spirits. It was very much like being on a Spirit Journey.

The recovering of one of our CORDS I am not clear as to why? I am not clear on how our Chakras can send out these cords when the Chakra is closed. I can understand sending out cords when our Chakras are open, but I thought they are closed to protect them from cords. 

This is the reason why I think more work needs to be done on the AURA and the importance of the AURA. Melody commented on day one about how her hand touching the table and she lifts her hand off the table their are strands of energy connecting her hand to the table. These strands retract into the AURA of the hand, because our intention is not focused on the table. As I understand it, it is the AURA that sends out the cords. The cord can become connected to our Chakra, however, this usually takes some time for the cord to work its way to the Chakra.

I need to do more work on the Energy Realm.

The Chakra array was very much like a Reiki session. I really enjoy it. I was somewhat uncomfortable having to place the hands on the private parts and I do not see the actual need.

Level 2 is going to be great.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Melody's Workshop #1

October 23, day one of the 1st level of Melody's Crystal Workshop.

It started out with me being LATE, I hate being LATE. It is what I get for catching the Seabus and using transit, I missed my seabus and had to wait 30 minutes for the next one. I should have known better!

The workshop was full, with lots of interest. Melody stressed that as practitioners we are facilitators, not counsellors. I understand what she is saying, but I do not know if I FULLY agree. There are times in normal HUMAN RELATIONS that we all support each other in ways that could be defined as counselling each other. I do understand in a PROFESSIONAL manner we are NOT COUNSELLORS, which I think is what Melody is referring to.

The morning I found myself wondering if this workshop was what I was wanting or needing. I have this aversion to science mixing with spirituality. I SEE IT as an attempt to justify or legitimize the SPIRIT. The other focus was on the Chakras, with little attention on the AURA. This is common in most spiritual practices, I just wish there was more focus on the AURA. At the lunch break I had decided to stay for the 2 days of Level one, but not sure of returning for Level two.

I did find Melody's words on Elixirs as beneficial and wise.

During Lunch;

I talked to Melody for a short time and mentioned the issue of the Mineral's SPIRIT, and if she had worked with the spirits. She replied that she had worked with a couple of the mineral's spirit but not much. After I told her of my experiences she suggested that I should write a book about the Mineral Spirits as it is needed. I enjoyed the few words with Melody, but she was busy and I did not want to take any more of her time.

I met a few other participants and had some good discussions.

After Lunch;

After lunch Melody broke us up into pairs and she had us paired with strangers, as she pointed out that we will not know our CLIENTS and as such we need to experience working with strangers. I think this is also why Melody emphasises being facilitators and not counsellors. This was good, plus myself not knowing anyone present it was no real problem.

We did an array that works on eliminating LIMITING BELIEFS from our deeper self. Without my crystals I felt a little short on being able to do the array. CRYSTALWORKS helped by having some small crystals that we could us. It was a great experience and Melody explained that when we are short on the number of Crystals that the array needs to be just as big as in the book. One can have less Crystals in the array, but not to shrink the actual array size.


I have to sleep tonight with a Faben Crystal tapped to my spine. This should be interesting, thank goodness I have a small and flat Faben Crystal to us.


At the end of the day I was feeling much better about the workshop and I will be attending both Levels.

I find that the workshop is mostly on the different arrays that are in her book "Laying-on-of-Stones" and I am really looking forward to working with these different arrays.

There was also considerable discussion on negative energy and changing the negativity. I need to state my BELIEF that ENERGY IS JUST ENERGY WITHOUT ANY NEGATIVE OR POSITIVE CHARGE TO IT. When we use ENERGY it is our INTENTION that charges the ENERGY with a NEGATIVE OR POSITIVE CHARGE. When we remove the INTENTION attached to the ENERGY we remove the charge and the ENERGY returns to CLEAN ENERGY.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What is a Shaman?

A Shaman is someone that works in ALL 3 REALMS OF REALITY.

What we consider to be REALITY is often limited to this Physical Realm. The Physical Realm only consists of one-third of our REALITY. REALITY consists of 3 REALMS - Physical Realm (Physical Body), Energy Realm (Energy Body) and the Spirit Realm (Our Spirit).

Physical Realm:

When we limit our self to the Physical Realm we are limiting our self to this MORTAL Realm. With just our Physical Body and our Physical Environment we are vulnerable to our environment. We are constantly struggling with our environment just to survive. We are faced with DOUBT, FEAR AND DISBELIEF. 

When we limit our self to this Physical Realm we are too busy in just surviving, we have no opportunity to CREATE.

Energy Realm:

The Energy Realm is what CREATES the Physical Realm. Quantum Physics describes this Realm as "The Fabric of LIFE", I prefer the term "Web of LIFE". Quantum Physics tells us that everything in the Physical Universe is composed from this Fabric of Energy and everything is connected to everything through this Fabric.

[A Fabric of Energy is too uniformly woven, too neat and tidy. A Web of Energy is much more random in its spinning of the Energy and much more realistic.] 

The other fact that Physics tells us is that Energy never dies or never ceases to be Energy. Energy can only transform from one form of Energy to another form of Energy, BUT IT IS ALWAYS ENERGY. This FACT is our first sign of our TRUE IMMORTALITY.

The other important point to know about the Energy Realm is that TIME does not exist here as we know TIME. What we define as PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE are all present in the Energy Realm.

The Energy Realm is the most foreign to us and is difficult for us to comprehend (the issue of TIME and the web that connects us to everything is difficult to intellectualize). The Shaman leans how to work with this Realm and how to utilize the ENERGY.

[NOTE: I will do a separate post on this Realm of Energy]

Spirit Realm:

The Spirit Realm is where we are from. Our Spirit resides here in the Spirit Realm, much like our Physical Body resides in the Physical Realm. We are connected between the two with our SOUL(Consciousness).

Our INSPIRATION, PASSIONS, CREATIVITY AND INTUITION are all connections that come from our SPIRIT.

Our SOUL connects with our Spirit each and every night, when we DREAM. Our SOUL returns to our Body every morning when we awake. Shamans return to their Spirit in a consciously aware state when they do 'Spirit Journeys' often referred to as 'Dreamtime'.

In the Spirit Realm our Spirit is a part of the ONENESS and is connected to EVERYTHING. Our Spirit has NO NEEDS as it has EVERYTHING. Our SOUL has a difficult time COMPREHENDING this ONENESS, so for us to UNDERSTAND and to work with the ONENESS we individualize the components of the ONENESS. This process of individualizing the ONENESS gives us our SPIRIT TOTEMS, SPIRIT HELPERS, SPIRIT GUIDES AND SPIRIT PROTECTORS.

It is the Spirit Realm that actually SPINS THE WEB OF LIFE and CREATES this Physical Realm.

[NOTE: I will do a separate post on this Realm of Spirit]

When one is CONSCIOUSLY AWARE and working with ALL 3 Realms of Reality one no longer finds the need to struggle with LIFE. One finds a natural FLOW in their Life and the challenges are not as dramatic or traumatic. One finds that LIFE actually supports them and is not as dangerous as previously thought.

The Shaman works in all 3 Realms in a CONSCIOUSLY AWARE STATE. The non-shaman person also works in all 3 Realms but they are not CONSCIOUSLY AWARE of these 3 Realms.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Healing Process


The HEALING PROCESS is different for each INDIVIDUAL. This process is whatever the INDIVIDUAL needs to experience in order to realize their wholeness as a SPIRITUAL BEING HAVING A PHYSICAL EXPERIENCE. This realization awakens our CREATIVITY, and our ability to CREATE the Physical Life we have come here to CREATE.

When we have realized our TRUE wholeness we lose our - Doubt, Fear and Disbelief.

Healing with Reiki follows the HEALING PROCESS!

When we are looking for HEALING, we often want someone else to heal us. The issue is the need to HEAL our self. In order to HEAL our self we often need the assistance of others.

Part of this HEALING PROCESS is realizing our own INDIVIDUAL roll in our HEALING. The Reiki practitioner can channel the Reiki energy to the client, but what the client does with the Reiki energy is up to the client. The client's Body will use the Reiki energy with a level of INSTINCT and this will help in the client's HEALING.

When the client has a CONSCIOUS INTENTION of specifically using the Reiki energy will greatly increase their HEALING. This is greatly increased with the CONSCIOUS INTENTION of the practitioner, and the two focus their INTENTION.

My Reiki Practice

In my Reiki sessions I incorporate the client in helping to clear any energy blocks or removing any foreign energy from their Energy Body. This process of including the client in their Energy work empowers the client and is one step closer for the client in becoming WHOLE.

This use of one's INTENTION is not always easy to incorporate. It can be a challenge to know where to focus one's INTENTION. This often developes over the 12 sessions. The 12 sessions can start by just allowing the Body's INSTINCT to utilize the Reiki and as one becomes more comfortable with the energy one can start to focus one's INTENTION.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


The Laying-on-of-Stones is a powerful way of experiencing the Mineral Kingdom.

What is Laying-on-of-Stones?

The Laying-on-of-Stones is where a pattern of Crystals & Stones are placed on and around the individual. The Individual is laying on the floor or ground and the Crystals & Stones are place over you and around you. It is the combination of the pattern and the Stones used that has an affect on the individual.

The number of Crystals is often 30 or more and the space around the individual needs to be enough to incorporate the pattern. Melody's book "Laying-on-of-Stones" is full of different patterns to use. Each pattern will have different characteristics and one picks a pattern depending on what they wish to experience. One will use their INTUITION when picking what Crystal to place where.

My 1st Experience:

My 1st experience with Laying-on-of-Stones was with my 1st Crystal teacher and our last class together. She took the class back to her place in order to do the layouts. She had enough Crystals at home in order to do the layouts.

There was only 4 students and it took us about 5 hours to do one layout for each student to experience.

The pattern I picked out of the book had to do with 'the Belief of the Oneness' and helps to establish the Belief and to reduce the DOUBT.

It wasn't long into experiencing my pattern when I started to feel my body melting into the floor I was laying on. It was a unique sensation, (I was use to moving my CONSCIOUSNESS in Spirit Journeys from this Physical Realm to the Spirit Realm, and to move my CONSCIOUSNESS from my Body to inside a Crystal) of having my Body and my Consciousness joining the floor was strange. It felt like my Body was elongating and becoming the floor beneath me. This started to be a little scary as I started to become a part of the building and not just the floor, it was a little scary as I felt I may loose myself. It was at this point that everything suddenly changed. It was with a sudden jolt that I was now flying over English Bay!

The suddenness of this change almost brought me out of the experience and I almost got up out of the layout. However, flying over English Bay was awesome and I stayed with the sensation. I was flying as an Eagle and flying beside my Totem. I felt my strong wings and the air rushing through them and the feeling of soaring high over the Bay. I could see the crowd on the beach extremely clear and sharp even at a long distance. It was my first experience of flying with my Totem.

When the session ended and I got up from the floor I noticed a large poster of an Eagle resting above my head. It wasn't there originally. I asked the teacher when and why she had placed the poster there? She replied that it was about half-way through the session that she got a strong urge to place the poster there. It explained the sudden jolt from being a part of the building to flying with my Totem.

What really surprised me about the experience was that no one knew that the Eagle was my Totem. I had just met my Totem for the first time a week ago and no one present knew about it. Plus the fact that the poster was nowhere around before we had started the whole Laying-on-of-Stones session, the teacher must have dug it up from somewhere else in her place. The poster was not a part of the Laying-on-of-Stones process and she had not done anything similar with the others, why me?

Laying-on-of-Stones is a powerful experience. As any experience words and even pictures are not the same as the actual experience. It needs to be experienced to fully appreciate the power.

Friday, October 15, 2010

12-30 minute sessions/no more than 2 days between sessions

Why I require this commitment from my clients:

30 Minute sessions:
I do not believe there is any more benefit to the client with a Reiki session that is longer than 30 minutes.

When I first explored Reiki I did a test on both Reiki and Kirlian photography. I had my aura and chakras photographed with a Kirlian camera, then had a 20 minute Reiki session, then returned to have my photo taken again.

Chakras before Reiki

The above graph shows the energy level of my 7 Chakras before I had the 20 minute Reiki session. The Chakras go from Left to Right, with the Base chakra on the far Left and the Crown chakra on the far Right.

Chakra after Reiki

The above graph shows the energy level of my 7 Chakras after a 20 minute Reiki session, and 24 hours later. The 20 minute Reiki session not only fully energized all 7 Chakras, but they stayed charged for over 24 hours.

The GREEN BAR on the graph represents the area that most individuals that work with their CHAKRAS try to keep their energy at. The solid line through the GREEN BAR represents the FILL line and when the Chakra's energy is above this line the Chakra is overflowing into our environment.

Reiki & Kirlian photos

The above link will take you to my facebook site where there is more Kirlian photos that graphs my AURA before and after the Reiki session, as well as the Chakra graph.

The additional point is that when I returned to the Kirlian booth after the Reiki session the booth was closed for the night. I had to return the next day for the 2nd Kirlian photo. I was concerned that I would have to repeat the whole process.

The camera operator was shocked at the difference in my Chakras, he had never seen such a drastic change in one's Chakra levels in such a short time. He commented that it would normally take weeks or even months of working with one's Chakras to get them to the level of the 2nd photo. I too was surprised that they had stayed so high for 24 hours. It was good enough for me and I did not repeat the test.

The point being - if a 20 minute session can fully charge one's Chakras, then another 10 minutes will suffice for a full treatment. The extra 10 minutes represents 50% more Reiki treatment.

NOTE: The actual session will be closer to an hour (45 minutes or so). The 30 minutes is of Reiki itself, I work with crystals and the client meditates for 5 - 10 minutes alone with the crystals before the Reiki starts. There is also some time before the session starts to brief each other and then some time to debrief about the session.

 2 days between sessions:
In the test above the 2nd photo was taken 24 hours after the 20 minute Reiki session. It seems logical to believe that in that 24 hours the energy levels of my Chakras had declined some. In another 24 hours the energy levels would have reduced more.

As Reiki's healing ability is based on its accumulative nature one does not want to wait until the Chakras energy is reduced to its original levels. It would defeat the whole purpose of having multiple sessions if each session is starting from the beginning.

Ms Takata had a Reiki session each and every day for over a month when she was receiving her Reiki healing. I think a maximum of 2 days is a reasonable compromise.

12 Sessions:
12 sessions spread over about 5 weeks is a reasonable amount of time in order to assess the affect the Reiki may be having. The 12 sessions may or may not be enough to heal the issue, but I do think it is enough time to assess the benefit Reiki is having.

Shorter amount of session I do not believe would be enough to adequately assess the affect of Reiki. I would not be surprised if the last 6 sessions may have the most noticed affect on the client.

The cost of $150 for the 12 sessions works out to $25 per hour for the Reiki. I know it is common to pay $60 per hour, but I would rather have my client commit to the time of having 12 sessions over a month or so. The cost at $60 per hour would make the 12 session over $300 which is too expensive for most.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Melody's Workshop

I am very excited about this coming Workshop. For those who may not know Melody, she is THE master of the metaphysical properties of the Crystals and Stones. Melody's book "Love is in the Earth" was the bible in this field for decades and still is. Her book "Laying-on-of-Stones" is one of my favourite books that I use often, it is full of different layout patterns with the Crystals and Stones.  

Melody seldom does these workshops herself any more, as she teaches others to do them. Having her here in Vancouver giving both Level 1 and Level 2 is a once in a lifetime event.

I have been working with the Crystals and Stones for over 10 years and I have had some training and experiences from other teachers in the metaphysical properties of the Crystals. However, my working with the grandmothers is different than most in this field. I am looking forward to learning from Melody and to add her teachings to my system of working with the grandmothers.

Level 1 Workshop is Oct. 23 and 24.
Level 2 Workshop is Oct. 26 and 27

WHY we do what we do:

What are our Intentions?

On the surface our Intentions are - why we do what we do. We act according to our Values (Oct. 12 post) / Belief systems (Sept. 8 post) and we set our INTENTIONS accordingly. We are often unaware of our Intentions, this is especially true when we act out of habit. Other times we act out of expectations and we are unaware of our Intentions.

Our Intentions are not as easily defined as one may believe. Mother Teresa knew this when she said "She would never attend a Anti-War rally, but she would attend a Peace rally". She understood that in a "Anti-War" rally our INTENTION is still focused on WAR. The issue of being "Pro" or "Anti" are judgment calls, the focus of both is still on WAR. However, in a PEACE rally the focus is on PEACE and not WAR, our INTENTION is now focused on PEACE.

We need to have CLEAR AND FOCUSED Intention. In the Anti-War example the Intention is focused on what WE DO NOT WANT (WAR). In the Peace rally the Intention is focused on what WE WANT (PEACE). We need to be clear in what - WE WANT, and to stay away from what - WE DO NOT WANT. When we are focused on WHAT WE DO NOT WANT, we often get what WE DO NOT WANT.  Another example of this is the Anti-Poverty groups with their INTENTION on POVERTY, would do better if they changed their INTENTION from POVERTY to ABUNDANCE.

This issue of what - WE WANT verses WE DO NOT WANT - complicates using our Intentions to our potential. We are a society that is very judgmental and we are usually very CLEAR in what WE DO NOT WANT, but not so clear in what WE WANT. I know for myself that I know exactly what I DO NOT WANT, but find myself much more unfocused on EXACTLY what I WANT.


Another challenge we have with our Intentions is how they align with our Beliefs. If our Intentions conflict with what we believe we have the energy working against each other.

An example of this type of conflict was in the movie "What the Bleep do we know?" and they were talking about how our body's cells respond to our Beliefs. They stated that if we believe our self to be "Fat" that there is some evidence that our cells will prioritize the storage of calories. That if there is a choice of burning the calories or storing the calories the cells will store the calories. If this is true and we go on a diet to reduce our weight and our intention is to reduce weight, but our cells are still storing the calories (because we believe we are fat), we are defeating our own intention. This conflict between believing our self to be fat, and our intention to reduce our weight can create considerable frustration.

In healing our self, this conflict between Belief and Intention is also evident. If our Intention is to heal our body, then we need to believe in our body to heal itself. Doctors and Healers can assist the person in their healing, but it is the body itself that needs to heal.

As an example of the body healing itself; With my clients I often use the example of having a broken bone, the doctor sets the bone and immobilizes the bone so the body can heal the broken bone. It is the body that is the true healer, and we need to believe in our body in order to heal. It is our INTENTION that directs the body to heal itself.

Doctors, medicines and Healers have a limited part to play in the healing process. We can have partial success with our intention to heal when our BELIEF is with the Doctors, Medicines and Healers - The Placebo Effect. We have much better healing results when we have the proper respect for the Doctors and Healers and the BELIEF in our own body to heal.

However if our Belief is in our body being a victim of the dangers of LIFE, then our INTENTION to heal is going to be a long and suffering process.

We need to be AWARE of both our Beliefs and our Intentions and to keep these two in alignment with each other, and to have clear and concise INTENTIONS of what we WANT.

Patience & Persistence:

In our INSTANT society we have lost our PATIENCE. When we do not see instant results, we lose our focus and try something else. We are quick to judge something as not working and to change our focus to something else. LIFE does not work in this instantaneous  process.

A great example of the proper alignment of Belief with Intention and the practice of Patience & Persistence:

A California medical doctor broke his lower back in an accident and was paralyzed from the waist down. The prognoses was that he would be in a wheelchair for the rest of his Life.

To make a long story short, the doctor was walking again after 2 years of being in a wheelchair. When asked to explain his MIRACULOUS healing. The doctor commented "He knew that LIFE can always overcome difficult situations, and if he continued to send the message from his brain to his legs to move, that LIFE  would find a way to connect the message to his legs." It took the doctor 2 years of sending the message from his brain to his legs before he saw any sign of the message getting through.

The doctor's Belief in LIFE and his Intention to walk again is admirable, however, his show of Patience & Persistence was truly AWESOME in this modern time of INSTANT GRATIFICATION.  To continue to send the message from his brain to his legs for 2 years before he saw any sign of the message getting through is unusual. This is especially true considering his medical training told him that it was IMPOSSIBLE to heal the spine.


Our INTENTIONS are the movers of the Universal Life-Force Energy (Chi) that creates the WEB OF OUR Life. Like our Feelings working with our Thoughts, our Intentions work with our Beliefs. Intentions & Beliefs work closely together and they are both powerful Chi movers and shapers! If we have limiting Beliefs then our Intentions will be similarly limited. If our Beliefs are empowering then our Intentions will be limitless.

Our Intentions are a powerful tool in shaping our lives. When we have clear Intentions we can move mountains.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Core Values

Individuals act and behave according to their VALUES. These values are personal and individualistic and are neither good or bad, they are simply values. These values are judged to be good or bad based on some form of morality.

Our society, culture and family will often impose values onto the individual and these are seen as what we are expected to value or what we should value. What we are expected or should value is what I call our adopted values. Adopted values are not good enough to guide our actions, they often create conflicts between what is expected of us and what we truly value.

We often see this CONFLICT with young teenagers going through what is often described as the "rebellious" years. They are looking to discover their OWN VALUES and are confronted with what is expected of them. We need to own our values, it is not good enough to act on what is expected. These 'rebellious' years are individuals finding their OWN values.

When we judge values as being good or bad, we are judging the values based on a sense of MORALITY. Morality is itself a set of values that is often forced on the individual. Morals only have worth when the individual can truly OWN the set of values that compose the morals. Morals are worthless when they are forced onto the individual.


It is when we see the hypocritical actions from adults and authority figures that individuals searching for VALUES become lost. Look at all the ABUSE from individuals that are in a position of authority - priests, doctors, teachers, judges, police, parents and every other sector of society. This doesn't include the adults that say one thing and does another.

When you are a young person looking for your own values and you observe how everyone says they value one thing, but acts in another way, what kind of conclusion can one draw?

The conclusion that is often reached is that VALUES ARE WORTHLESS! Without our own values we have no way of steering our Life. We only value what is immediately good to the self. We often turn to drugs, alcohol, sex and other immediate satisfaction to our self or at the least acceptance from others in our immediate group. WE BECOME LOST!


I believe that at our Soul/Spirit level we all have a set of Values that we support and want to live by. Finding these TRUE values takes some work of 'Soul Searching'. To find these values we need to put aside what is expected or what we should value. In order to find this we need to ask - WHAT DO I VALUE? This means we need to put to work our EGO, in a productive manner.

I know that some will disagree with the use of EGO and the centering of the self but it is a necessary and productive step. Without establishing what "I" value nothing else really matters. It is only when we have established what I value that we can properly incorporate our 'Social values', 'Cultural values' and even 'Family values'. Without the I value these other values have no worth.

When we have established our I values and incorporate the other values we can start to set our Life on the course we want our Life to take (our Life Path).

Monday, September 20, 2010

WHY we have Feelings:

In order to discuss our Feelings we need to agree on the meaning of "Feelings"; at least for this post. Feelings can have many different meanings - "I feel cold", "You hurt my feelings", "Did you feel that?", "How do you feel today?". I have also been told that LOVE is a FEELING. I think the best way  to define what this post is about is to call it our "Emotional Feelings" - "You hurt my feelings." In a earlier post I talked about our Feelings originate from one of two Emotions - Love or Fear (August 26 post). It is these Emotional-Feelings that this post is about.

Our Life does not come with an instruction book or manual on how to deal with these Feelings. Our many feelings can change quickly or can persist for a length of time. Our Feelings can be our biggest challenge to understand and to utilize in a productive manner. Why do we Feel bad? Why do we feel good? What is the purpose of our FEELINGS?

Classical Science:

Science tells us that it is our Brain that produces and releases different chemicals into our body that produces our many different feelings. I believe that these chemicals are a byproduct of our Feelings, it is our Feelings that cause the production and release of these chemicals. The reason why I say this is that science has yet to actually reproduce these Feelings. The chemical industry tries to control our Feelings with what we call "Uppers & Downers" and the best they can do is to mask our Feelings with an artificial Feeling. When the "Upper or Downer" wears off, our original feeling returns, and we try to cover over with more chemicals.

The original Feeling remains! 

The artificial chemicals produces a artificial feeling that is a residue of the FEELING that would normally produce the actual chemical. This is why I think it is the FEELING that produces the chemical and not the chemical producing the FEELING.

Our FEELINGS are how we experience the moment or what some call the NOW!

 It is through our Feelings that we experience LIFE and our own Life. Without our Feelings we would live our Life robotically and we would actually experience little if anything. It is our Feelings that is the unknown factor in this mechanical physical reality. Classical Science has a difficult time incorporating Feelings into the calculations of our world. Science has been working on Artificial Intelligence (AI) for some time trying to create intelligence, they are not working on Artificial Feelings. Even Data in the Star Trek show had trouble with his Emotional Chip.

Our Feelings are the connection between this Physical realm that is our body and the Spiritual realm that is our soul!

Our Feelings do not work in isolation or on their own. We need to consider what drives our feelings. Our  Feelings and our Thoughts are closely connected - a thought will trigger a feeling and a feeling will trigger a thought. This connection between our Feelings and our Thoughts can be a clue as to how our Feelings work. Without getting into what triggers what, we need to look past both Feelings and Thoughts to see what triggers both. Can this be our "STATE OF MIND" that triggers both out Feelings and our Thoughts?


What do I mean by our "state of mind"? I believe this is where our two emotions come into the picture - Love & Fear. We often interpret these two emotions in their extreme states - Love is often seen as a blissful state of union, Fear is often seen as the classic fight or flight setting. Both of these emotions have many times many different degrees to them. ANY state of caring or discernment is a degree of Love, ANY state of vulnerability or judgment is a degree of Fear. Love is the state that connects us to the state of ONENESS, Fear is the state that connects us to the state of SEPARATION.

Our state of mind is when we are in a mental state of Love (union) or Fear (separation). With these two states being so different it is easy to see how the state can affect our Thoughts and our FEELINGS.

Our FEELINGS are telling us is what STATE OUR MIND IS IN.

This means we can change our FEELINGS by changing the STATE OF OUR MIND. We do not need to be slaves to our FEELINGS.
Before I leave the issue of our two emotions, I want to make it perfectly clear that both Love & Fear are valuable and a critical part of our BEING. We need both Love and Fear to fulfil our potential. We all desire Love and avoid Fear;

 We need to learn how to work with our Fear!

Whatever triggers our FEELINGS we need to recognize them for what they are - "Our experience of the moment." We need to experience our Feelings in order to fully experience the MOMENT. If we deny our Feelings or hold onto to them we are not going to be able to experience the PRESENT MOMENT. When we try to deny our Feelings the Feeling will continue to surface and will affect how we experience the present. This is also the affect we have when we hold onto our Feelings. Our Feelings need to be EXPERIENCED and then let-go of them, so we can experience the next moment. We cannot experience the PRESENT if we are still experience a Feeling of the PAST.

A good example of this letting-go of our Feelings can be seen in young children. A child can be crying and screaming up a storm over something, then given an ice-cream and faster than the speed of light we have all smiles, with the last of the tears still dripping down the cheeks. Whatever caused the tantrum was immediately gone at the sight of the ice-cream. It is almost like a light switch that is switched on and off.

I have been told that it is easy for children because they have no history to complicate things. To me this confirms the issue of our Feelings. It is not our Feelings that are difficult to deal with, it is our ISSUES that we attach to them that complicates things.

It is this process that people often tell others - "Let it go" or "Get over it". These are easy to say, but is difficult to do without understanding what our FEELINGS are AND why we feel what we feel.


I already discussed our "State of Mind" influence on our FEELINGS but there is one other important influence on our FEELINGS that needs to be discussed - EXPECTATIONS.

We put expectations on our self and on others around us. When these expectations are achieved we feel "Happy" and to some extent "Proud". When these expectations are not achieved we feel "Disappointed or Bad". This is a simplification and our expectations can have many different degrees, much like the emotions of Love and Fear.

How we handle our EXPECTATIONS will  affect how we handle our FEELINGS. Expectations are a form of goals that we want to achieve, and on this level we can see the benefit of having expectations. It is a matter of HOW WE HANDLE our Feelings and our expectations.

How we achieve our goals (expectations) is not always a straight line or achieved in one step. When we have fallen short of our expectations we need to appreciate our step closer to our goal, and not to be disappointed for not reaching our goal. There is an old saying - "It is the journey that is more beneficial than the destination.".

When we remember that we do not have complete control how life will unfold, we need to know that LIFE will have some input into the Life that we experience. This means that our expectations are not always in our complete control, we do the best we can. We need to work towards our expectations without getting overly emotional.

Universal Life-Force (Chi):

The page - Wholeness of LIFE  - I commented about how we are affected by the ENERGY around us and about how we contribute our ENERGY to our environment. Our FEELINGS have a energy signature to them and we put this ENERGY to our surroundings.

This is especially true with our emotions (Love & Fear). It is often said that animals can smell 'Fear', it is not a smell or scent but a ENERGY that the animals can sense.

We can also pick-up Feelings and Emotions from those around us. This is how we can change from having a good day to a day that may not be so good. As an example; We can be Feeling good about our day as we enter our favourite Coffee Shop. At the counter some customer is having a disagreement with the cashier. When we leave the shop with our coffee we may not Feel quiet as good as we did when we entered the shop. We can pick-up some of the ENERGY from the two with the disagreement, and it has affected our Feelings.

Our FEELINGS are how we experience our Life and LIFE around us. What we FEEL is affected by both our "State of Mind" and our "Expectations".

The next post will be on - OUR INTENTIONS.