Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Carnelian Elixir -1

I started the Carnelian Elixir today and will be taking it daily for the next week. I am looking forward to how the Carnelian energy works.

I will post my observation over the next few days.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Laying-on-of-Stones -2

I did another Array of Stones with a friend of mine last night. It was the "TAU" Array from Melody's book. In her book she recommended that the number of Stones to use is a multiple of 2. I use 16 Crystals - 3 Citrine and 13 Clear Quartz. 

It worked "okay" but I was not happy with it. I really do need to find a proper SPACE to do these layouts in. It is not only the actual PHYSICAL SPACE needed, but also a place where I can set the proper environment in with the time and space to set a proper ritual to set the INTENTION and connecting with the SPIRIT of the MINERAL KINGDOM.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Blue Apatite Elixir - 3

I finished the week with the Blue Apatite and I am now taking a week off from the Elixirs to clear my energy. Next week I want to start the Carnelian Elixir.

The week with the Apatite was a very powerful week. The energy with my Aura was and is stronger, the clearity of thought was very powerful - both with a friend and with working with Laying-on-of-Stones and other thoughts that surfaced. Even my eyesight seems to be brighter and sharper.

With the positive experience with the Apatite it will be exciting to experience the Carnelian...

Laying-on-of-Stones - 1

I did my first Laying-on-of-Stones session with a friend of mine, since the Workshop with Melody. It was stimulating to be working with the Crystals/Stones in this manner [I am just going to use the term Stone for both Crystals and Stones from here on]. It was my friend's first experience with this way of working with the Stones, and was extremely satisfying for her.

This method of working with the Stones is very POWERFUL, but it requires a very SAFE and SUPPORTIVE environment. The recipient of the Array is opening their ENERGETIC BODY to the ENERGY around them (the Stones), the environment needs to be CLEAR of other ENERGIES. The one laying out the Array needs to keep their INTENTION supportive and to keep the space SAFE for the recipient.

The different layout patterns of the Stones are called ARRAYS and the Array I used was a pattern that came to me in a DREAM and is designed to ENERGIZE and STRENGTHEN one's AURA. The  Array worked very well and their are improvements I want to make with this Array. 

I am really looking forward to doing more sessions of Laying-on-of-Stones and have a plan to do one of the Arrays that is in Melody's book with a friend soon. I will post on it when I have done the array.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Elixir vs the physical Crystal/Stone

I was asked the difference with just being with the physical Crystal/Stone and using the Elixir? 

We are VERY PHYSICAL BEINGS and both our VISUAL and our sense of TOUCH are very powerful senses that we use to define our PHYSICAL WORLD. We become desensitized to the ENERGY that creates our PHYSICAL WORLD. The ELIXIR takes the Visual and Feel of the Crystal/Stone away, so we can concentrate on the ENERGY of the Crystal/Stone.

Another feature of the ELIXIR deals with HOW WE ASSIMILATE CHI (ENERGY). 

Our Energetic Body incorporates Energy into its system in different ways. In the ancient Chinese traditions of working with the body's Chi system there are two basic ways that we do this - our BREATHE and our FOOD. 

When we take a BREATHE IN our body will incorporate some of the Chi in the AIR into our Energetic Body. When we BREATH OUT we will release some STAGNATE Chi out of our Energetic Body. In this way we are ENERGIZING our Energetic Body. When we EAT we also go through this process of assimilating some of the Chi in our FOOD.

To a large degree this process of ASSIMILATING other sources of CHI into our ENERGY BODY is accomplished at a UNCONSCIOUS state, we can increase the efficiency of this process when we are consciously AWARE of this process and we make a conscious INTENTION to ASSIMILATE the CHI. We do this when we are taking the GEM ELIXIRS.

With the PHYSICAL STONES  we need to do more work, with our AWARENESS and INTENTION, in order to ASSIMILATE their CHI (ENERGY). We do not NATURALLY assimilate ENERGY through our AURA for the reason of SETTING OUR BOUNDARIES and our SAFETY. If we NATURALLY assimilated the ENERGY around us we would be very distracted and have a much more difficult time focusing, and we would be much more vulnerable to the influences around us.

With the GEM ELIXIRS we are able to ASSIMILATE the CHI of the CRYSTALS/STONES in a much more NATURAL and EFFECTIVE manner.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Blue Apatite Elixir -2

I have been trying the Elixir and I am on my 3rd day. I can taste a little of the Brandy, which surprises me as there was only 1oz in 2 liters of Elixir. 

The Energy I felt right away, the strengthening of my Aura. I could feel the Apatite energy merging with my Aura and strengthening the edges of the Aura. I have been working with my Energy Body for many years and I know my Energy very well. The Apatite Energy was very subtle but it was there.

Yesterday I had a realization, one of those "aha.." moments. I had been confused and unsure of a dream I had a few weeks ago, and it had been haunting me. It became extremely CLEAR and without any doubts attached, I knew exactly what I had to do. This CLARITY OF THOUGHT is part of the characteristics of the BLUE APATITE. I do not believe in coincidences, so I account this moment of CLARITY to the APATITE.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Blue Apatite Elixir

I have decided that I need to try my own Elixir before trying the others. So I have started taking my Blue Apatite Elixir this morning. The first 2 days I will take a few drops throughout the day (when my INTUITION tells me). After the 2 days I will cut the dose down to 1 or 2 per day for the rest of the week (7 days).

There was a freshness and a little sweetness to the drops I took this morning. Some may credit this to the small about of Brandy, but I do not think so for two reasons -
  1. The amount of Brandy is too small to account for this taste.
  2. Brandy is not usually SWEET, and it was not a ALCOHOL taste.
I could feel the Elixir affecting my AURA. I have worked with my Energy System (Chakras, Meridians and Aura) for a number of years and know my Energy very well. How the Elixir is affecting my AURA is difficult to say. It will be interesting to see how the week goes, and how my AURA is affected.

I will post more in the next few days.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Mixing Elixir in Hot Liquids...

Mixing the Elixirs in Hot Liquids seems to be a option for some. Although I do not recommend mixing the Elixir in Hot Liquids, does not mean the Elixir is not effective when mixed in Hot Liquids. Mixing the Elixir in coffee or tea will make the coffee or tea much more energizing, how much of the energy is lost in the steam is questionable. One may add a couple of extra drops in the Hot Liquid to accommodate the lose of some of the energy in the steam.

Mixing in Hot Liquids will evaporate the small amount of Brandy from the Elixir. If the Brandy is a concern then by all means mix the Elixir in your tea or coffee. One will still benefit from the Elixir.

Another way of utilizing the benefit of the Elixir is TROPICALLY. One can anoint the third-eye chakra with the Elixir or any other part of the body. Going with one's INTUITION is always beneficial when using the Elixir.


Carnelian Elixir

The first Elixir I will be trying will be the Carnelian Elixir. I will start taking the Elixir Monday morning and the first couple of days will take a few drops 2 or 3 times during the day, then just 1 a day until next Sunday.

With all the different Elixirs it will be difficult to try each one fully. It could take a full YEAR to try each one for a week, then a week off to clear the energy. I will pick 6, starting with the Carnelian, and see how these go.

On each Elixir I try, I will post comments on what I FEEL or SENSE well taking the Elixir.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Exchanging the Elixirs

We met at Crystalworks last night to exchange our Elixirs and to receive our Certificates from Melody. Not everyone showed up and some mailed their Elixirs in. It was great to see some of the fellow students again.

With over 15 Elixirs, it will be interesting to try them ALL. It will take a few MONTHS in order to fairly try them ALL. I think I will try each one for 1 week, then take a week off (to clear the energy from me), then try another for a week, etc...

When trying something new I like to give it a few days to really see how it affects me - a week I think will give me a good sense of the Elixir. Taking a week off from the Elixirs gives time for the energy of the Elixir to leave my energy system, before trying a new Elixir.

I think everyone liked my presentation - label and info sheets - of my Blue Apatite. Karen told me that they were very professional and that I should do the Elixirs commercially, no one else is doing them. That she would be willing to assist me in doing it commercially.

It was great to get the "Certificate" from Melody. Some of my friends and I often have a discussion on the use of the term "Master". "Master of Crystology" is a nice title but are we really MASTERS? 

To me the 2 levels of workshops that Melody gave us, gives us ALL the KNOWLEDGE to BECOME MASTERS OF CRYSTOLOGY. However, to truly BECOME MASTERS, we need a few YEARS of EXPERIENCE with that KNOWLEDGE. It is the same discussion I have with the MASTER DEGREE IN REIKI. The question is - are we really MASTERS without the EXPERIENCE?

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Gem Elixirs - working with the SPIRITS

Creating the Blue Apatite Elixir was extremely enjoyable, I really liked working with the SPIRITS of both the Apatite and the Water.

The ENERGY and the PHYSICAL ATTRACTION of the many types of Crystals and Stones have always attracted me to them and I enjoy being around them. However, with my Shamanic training I know that there is a DEEPER level to the Crystals & Stones. The SOURCE of the awesome ENERGY of the Crystals & Stones is the SPIRITS of the many different types of Crystals & Stones. The SPIRITS of the Crystals & Stones are as beautiful and awesome as the Energies and their PHYSICAL MANIFESTATIONS. It is the SPIRIT of the Crystals & Stones that I want to work with!

Making the Blue Apatite Elixir allowed me to work with the SPIRIT of the Apatite and as a bonus the SPIRIT of the Water. The Water was another joy that was a little surprising. 

It is clear to me that I will be doing much more work with GEM ELIXIRS in the future. I have already decided my next Elixir will be BLOODSTONE. Work with the Elixir is a strong way of working with the SPIRITS of the many Crystals & Stones. I was reminded of a book [Plant Spirit Medicine: The Healing Power of Plants by Eliot Cowan] where the author heals his clients with the SPIRIT of the Plants and NOT the Physical Plant itself. I can do this with the Crystals & Stones working with the SPIRIT in the form of ELIXIRS.