Monday, August 30, 2010


Enlightenment is finding the BALANCE between the two extremes of LOVE and FEAR. Where we can actually CREATE the Life we have come here to experience.

Most spiritual teachings define ENLIGHTENMENT as returning to the LIGHT or the ONE. In this objective it is appropriate to denounce the EGO, as there is no place for the EGO in the ONE. The EGO is a part of this physical realm of the TWO - the individual (EGO).

Why do we see ENLIGHTENMENT as denouncing this Physical Realm and to center our AWARENESS on the Spiritual Realm? We are CREATORS IN OUR OWN RIGHT, we create here in the Physical. It is here in the Physical that the ONENESS is expressed in the WHOLENESS OF LIFE.

Instead of focusing our AWARENESS on either the Spiritual or Physical we need to understand the importance and relevancy of both the Spiritual and Physical. It is only when we have a BALANCED approach to both of these Realms that we can start to CREATE the Life we want to create here in the Physical.

The first step in reaching this BALANCE is to understand that we are a intricate PART of this Physical Life, that we are not as separate as we think we are. This understanding is reinforced when we start to work with the Universal Life-Force or Chi energy. When we become sensitive to our Energy Body and the energy around us, we start to feel the CONNECTION to everything.

WE ARE CREATORS IN OUR OWN RIGHT - we create our DAY every day, how we interact with our environment will dictate how our DAY will be created.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Oneness & Separation

Oneness and Separation seems to be opposites on the surface. Our Physical Realm that we live our Life in is a Realm of Duality. Duality does not mean 'opposites' as much as it means 'extremes'. Lets look at what I mean:


Oneness is what the name implies, there is only ONE. Everything and everyone is a part of the ONE, there is no separation. We are all connected to each other and to everything else. Our BEING is a part of this wholeness of everything, there is no place for anything else.

This Being in the ONENESS is often experienced as LOVE (ecstasy), as we feel whole, connected, safe and empowered. It is from this state that we come from when we are BORN into this Physical Realm.


This Physical Realm is the realm of TWO (extremes). Why have we chose to be BORN into this Realm of TWO from the ONE? The fact that we are here means we have chosen to come here - Why?

It is here in the realm of TWO that there is room for the Individual and everything else. Here we are able to express our uniqueness (individuality). The challenge is how we express this uniqueness in the connection with everything else.

We often associate this realm of TWO with FEAR, as this BEING separate from the ONE is strange and foreign to us and we are not sure how to react. It is this FEAR that causes us to run back to the ONE. It is here that we have chosen to be BORN into. The first thing we need to realize is the fact that we are not as disconnected from the ONE as we BELIEVE.

In this Physical Realm we are only separate from the ONE in one critical area - PHYSICALLY. However, we are still connected to the ONE with our SPIRIT and ENERGY. Our SOUL (CONSCIOUSNESS) connects us to our Body and our Spirit. Our SPIRIT resides with the ONE, just like our BODY resides here in the TWO, we are still connected to the ONE. When we are awake we are here in the PHYSICAL (the TWO), when we are asleep and we DREAM we are in the SPIRIT realm with our Spirit (the ONE).

In this Realm of TWO the two extremes exist - Love is our connection to the ONE and Fear that is our disconnection from the ONE. These are the TWO EXTREMES. We need to find the BALANCE between these TWO in order to be able to EXPRESS OUR UNIQUENESS. It is this that we have come here to do.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Love & Fear

In the Spiritual Community we often talk about LOVE and that LOVE is the light and that we need to be in the place of LOVE. I have often asked what do we really mean by this and what is LOVE. I don't always get an answer to my question - often I am told that "if I have to ask then I am missing something". To me this tells me that the person either does not know what LOVE is or is unable to express it. Some tell me - "LOVE is a FEELING and if I do not FEEL LOVE then I have lots of spiritual work to do".

To me LOVE is more than a FEELING, LOVE is one of only 2 EMOTIONS that ALL of our many FEELINGS originates from. 

LOVE is the emotion of ONENESS - all of our many good and positive FEELINGS originates when we are connected to the ONENESS of LIFE.

FEAR is the emotion of SEPARATION - all of our many bad and negative FEELINGS originates when we feel SEPARATE from LIFE.

LOVE only represents half of our FEELINGS, what are we to do with the other half? Are we suppose to ignore or disown all of our negative feelings? If this is true why do we even have them? Are we given negative feelings to complicate our Lives, to learn to discard them?

Friday, August 20, 2010


Why do we Dream? What are Dreams?

The majority of us give our Dreams little concern and most of us do not even remember our Dreams. Some will swear that they never Dream. It is through the study of Dreams that we have discovered that we all Dream each and every night. If we do not Dream, over a period of time, we start to hallucinate and have difficulty determining what is real and what is an illusion. This has been observed by monitoring individuals while they sleep and awaken them when they enter the dream state (monitoring their brain waves). When a person has been kept from dreaming over a period of time they have trouble determining what is real and state to hallucinate. This means that dreaming is a necessary part of our BEING - WHY?


We usually associate dreaming with sleep. We believe that we sleep because we need to rest and to recharge our energy. However, when we monitor our body when we sleep our body is not truly resting. Our body's metabolism continues to function even when we are asleep - we continue to breath and our heart continues to pump, our kidneys continue to function - our metabolism continues on even while we sleep. Even our brain continues functioning. WE SLEEP TO DREAM.


What are Dreams? Dreams are visitations of our Soul/Mind returning to our SPIRIT.

Here in the Physical realm we have our PHYSICAL BODY and when we are awake our Soul/Mind is consciously here in the PHYSICAL. In the Spirit realm is where our SPIRIT resides, much like our BODY resides in the Physical. When we sleep we are preparing our BODY so that our Soul/Mind can leave our BODY and return to our SPIRIT. When we DREAM our Soul/Mind is consciously united with our SPIRIT. When we awake our Soul/Mind returns to our BODY.
Our Soul/Mind is only consciously aware of the environment that it is in at any one time. This is why we quickly forget our dreams upon awakening. On the surface our Soul/Mind does not see the relevancy of our Dream and our Physical Life. However, we can chose to exercise our Free-Will and decide to remember our Dreams and even to interpret them.

There is a good book on Dreams that suggests ways for us to remember more of our Dreams and how discussing our Dreams can help us to interpret them. Dreams are often the language of symbols and interpreting them is a personal journey. A symbol can mean different things to different individuals and this means the individual needs to determine what the symbol means to them;

Where People Fly and Water Runs Uphill:  Rev. Jeremy Taylor


In many aboriginal cultures there are practices and rituals that facilitate the awaken and conscious visitations to the Spirit realm. These practices are often referred to as - Dreamtime or Spirit Journeys.

These deliberate and conscious visitations to the Spirit realm permits the verbal communications to the Spirit realm. We can communicate with our Totems, Spirit Guides, Angels and other spiritual entities.

Many will classify these Spirit Journeys as just the imagination and fantasy, but these practices would not have survived thousands of years if this was all there was to them. Personal experiences tells me that there is much more substance to these practices.

Dreams are our Soul/Mind visitation with our Spirit.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Our Soul & Our Mind

Our Soul is often interpreted to be a issue of Spirituality or Religious thinking. When we think of our Soul in this manner we are first hit with our Beliefs on Spiritual or Religious theologies. I am not wanting to go there, we need to get past these limiting understandings of our Soul. I, personally, am not religious and I am not anti-religious either. Until fairly recently I did define myself as spiritual in nature, but recently I am hesitating even considering myself as spiritual. Recently I have found the term 'spiritual' as being associated with - lots of Love, nice fairy thoughts, to much fluff with little substance.

The Soul that I am writing about is not something that we can choice to believe in or not. To me our Soul is all the NON-PHYSICAL characteristics that make us the individual we are. These non-physical traits are summed up in what makes us CONSCIOUS BEINGS. It is to say that our Soul is our Mind. Most of the time our Mind is associated with our Brain, but our Brain is simply a nerve center that basically controls the operation of our PHYSICAL BODY. The issue is - does our Brain control our Mind or does our Mind control our Brain?

Example - When we are driving a car and we want to make a right turn at the corner. The Brain will fire the correct neurons so that our hands turn the steering wheel in the right direction to turn the car right. It is the Mind that has the THOUGHT that directs the Brain to fire the correct neurons. Thoughts are not physical and are more then electrical impulses from our Brain.

Our Mind:

The Mind has always been somewhat of a mystery. In the book - "Shaman, Healer, Sage" by Alberto Villoldo Ph.D - the author talks about his journey as a neurosurgeon. Alberto talks about how he became a neurosurgeon in his search for the Mind. The fact that he could not find the Mind indicates that the Mind is not PHYSICAL in nature, there is no part of the body that we can say "The Mind is here". Our Mind has no physical location.

Our Mind is the home of our many NON-PHYSICAL traits - Intellect, Emotions, Free-Will, Self-image, Empathy, Compassion, Values, Beliefs, Personality, Ego and many others. We often talk about following our 'Heart' and not our 'Mind' on different issues. What we are really saying is to follow our 'Emotions' and not our 'Intellect', but the decision to follow one or the other is made with our Mind exercising our Free-Will.

We all have a PHYSICAL BODY that is uniquely ours - our own DNA, Fingerprints, Eye Retinal, etc. We also have the NON-PHYSICAL aspects that makes us who we are. It is these non-physical traits that give us our SOUL and this is our MIND. It is for this reason that our Soul/Mind is not an issue of spirituality or religious theology but a matter of fact. Our Mind is also uniquely ours.

The issue of our Mind living on after we leave this Physical realm may become an issue of spirituality or religious discussion, the fact that we have a Soul is not.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Healing is always a process of becoming whole!

This is a motto that I often use and it is like other similar sayings that is often used in Spiritual or New Age discussions. It says a lot in a few words, but what does it actually mean? What does it mean - "...becoming whole!"? First we need to determine how we define our EXISTENCE,

We usually define Life as this physical existence, and we define Death as when we leave this physical existence. There are many different theories and beliefs concerning our EXISTENCE after we leave this physical world. LIFE spelled with all capitals is what I call our EXISTENCE in ALL its forms and states, including when we leave this physical world. To me LIFE does not stop when we leave this physical world, but continues with our SOUL and our SPIRIT. That our Soul and our Spirit are a part of our LIFE.

Our LIFE consists of three realms - Physical, Energy and Spirit - that compose our reality. We are usually only consciously aware of this Physical Realm and this is only one-third of our EXISTENCE. When we start to broaden our AWARENESS to incorporate the realms of Energy and Spirit we start the process of becoming whole. When we start this process we start to gleam how our Energy existence and our Spirit existence directly affects how our Physical Life manifests.

Healing is always a process of becoming whole! - is a statement of how we HEAL our LIFE when we broaden our AWARENESS and our understanding of how our Energy & Spirit directly affects our Physical Life. The PROCESS is how we broaden our AWARENESS.

When we are WHOLE we are able to create the physical Life we are wanting to experience.