Monday, September 20, 2010

WHY we have Feelings:

In order to discuss our Feelings we need to agree on the meaning of "Feelings"; at least for this post. Feelings can have many different meanings - "I feel cold", "You hurt my feelings", "Did you feel that?", "How do you feel today?". I have also been told that LOVE is a FEELING. I think the best way  to define what this post is about is to call it our "Emotional Feelings" - "You hurt my feelings." In a earlier post I talked about our Feelings originate from one of two Emotions - Love or Fear (August 26 post). It is these Emotional-Feelings that this post is about.

Our Life does not come with an instruction book or manual on how to deal with these Feelings. Our many feelings can change quickly or can persist for a length of time. Our Feelings can be our biggest challenge to understand and to utilize in a productive manner. Why do we Feel bad? Why do we feel good? What is the purpose of our FEELINGS?

Classical Science:

Science tells us that it is our Brain that produces and releases different chemicals into our body that produces our many different feelings. I believe that these chemicals are a byproduct of our Feelings, it is our Feelings that cause the production and release of these chemicals. The reason why I say this is that science has yet to actually reproduce these Feelings. The chemical industry tries to control our Feelings with what we call "Uppers & Downers" and the best they can do is to mask our Feelings with an artificial Feeling. When the "Upper or Downer" wears off, our original feeling returns, and we try to cover over with more chemicals.

The original Feeling remains! 

The artificial chemicals produces a artificial feeling that is a residue of the FEELING that would normally produce the actual chemical. This is why I think it is the FEELING that produces the chemical and not the chemical producing the FEELING.

Our FEELINGS are how we experience the moment or what some call the NOW!

 It is through our Feelings that we experience LIFE and our own Life. Without our Feelings we would live our Life robotically and we would actually experience little if anything. It is our Feelings that is the unknown factor in this mechanical physical reality. Classical Science has a difficult time incorporating Feelings into the calculations of our world. Science has been working on Artificial Intelligence (AI) for some time trying to create intelligence, they are not working on Artificial Feelings. Even Data in the Star Trek show had trouble with his Emotional Chip.

Our Feelings are the connection between this Physical realm that is our body and the Spiritual realm that is our soul!

Our Feelings do not work in isolation or on their own. We need to consider what drives our feelings. Our  Feelings and our Thoughts are closely connected - a thought will trigger a feeling and a feeling will trigger a thought. This connection between our Feelings and our Thoughts can be a clue as to how our Feelings work. Without getting into what triggers what, we need to look past both Feelings and Thoughts to see what triggers both. Can this be our "STATE OF MIND" that triggers both out Feelings and our Thoughts?


What do I mean by our "state of mind"? I believe this is where our two emotions come into the picture - Love & Fear. We often interpret these two emotions in their extreme states - Love is often seen as a blissful state of union, Fear is often seen as the classic fight or flight setting. Both of these emotions have many times many different degrees to them. ANY state of caring or discernment is a degree of Love, ANY state of vulnerability or judgment is a degree of Fear. Love is the state that connects us to the state of ONENESS, Fear is the state that connects us to the state of SEPARATION.

Our state of mind is when we are in a mental state of Love (union) or Fear (separation). With these two states being so different it is easy to see how the state can affect our Thoughts and our FEELINGS.

Our FEELINGS are telling us is what STATE OUR MIND IS IN.

This means we can change our FEELINGS by changing the STATE OF OUR MIND. We do not need to be slaves to our FEELINGS.
Before I leave the issue of our two emotions, I want to make it perfectly clear that both Love & Fear are valuable and a critical part of our BEING. We need both Love and Fear to fulfil our potential. We all desire Love and avoid Fear;

 We need to learn how to work with our Fear!

Whatever triggers our FEELINGS we need to recognize them for what they are - "Our experience of the moment." We need to experience our Feelings in order to fully experience the MOMENT. If we deny our Feelings or hold onto to them we are not going to be able to experience the PRESENT MOMENT. When we try to deny our Feelings the Feeling will continue to surface and will affect how we experience the present. This is also the affect we have when we hold onto our Feelings. Our Feelings need to be EXPERIENCED and then let-go of them, so we can experience the next moment. We cannot experience the PRESENT if we are still experience a Feeling of the PAST.

A good example of this letting-go of our Feelings can be seen in young children. A child can be crying and screaming up a storm over something, then given an ice-cream and faster than the speed of light we have all smiles, with the last of the tears still dripping down the cheeks. Whatever caused the tantrum was immediately gone at the sight of the ice-cream. It is almost like a light switch that is switched on and off.

I have been told that it is easy for children because they have no history to complicate things. To me this confirms the issue of our Feelings. It is not our Feelings that are difficult to deal with, it is our ISSUES that we attach to them that complicates things.

It is this process that people often tell others - "Let it go" or "Get over it". These are easy to say, but is difficult to do without understanding what our FEELINGS are AND why we feel what we feel.


I already discussed our "State of Mind" influence on our FEELINGS but there is one other important influence on our FEELINGS that needs to be discussed - EXPECTATIONS.

We put expectations on our self and on others around us. When these expectations are achieved we feel "Happy" and to some extent "Proud". When these expectations are not achieved we feel "Disappointed or Bad". This is a simplification and our expectations can have many different degrees, much like the emotions of Love and Fear.

How we handle our EXPECTATIONS will  affect how we handle our FEELINGS. Expectations are a form of goals that we want to achieve, and on this level we can see the benefit of having expectations. It is a matter of HOW WE HANDLE our Feelings and our expectations.

How we achieve our goals (expectations) is not always a straight line or achieved in one step. When we have fallen short of our expectations we need to appreciate our step closer to our goal, and not to be disappointed for not reaching our goal. There is an old saying - "It is the journey that is more beneficial than the destination.".

When we remember that we do not have complete control how life will unfold, we need to know that LIFE will have some input into the Life that we experience. This means that our expectations are not always in our complete control, we do the best we can. We need to work towards our expectations without getting overly emotional.

Universal Life-Force (Chi):

The page - Wholeness of LIFE  - I commented about how we are affected by the ENERGY around us and about how we contribute our ENERGY to our environment. Our FEELINGS have a energy signature to them and we put this ENERGY to our surroundings.

This is especially true with our emotions (Love & Fear). It is often said that animals can smell 'Fear', it is not a smell or scent but a ENERGY that the animals can sense.

We can also pick-up Feelings and Emotions from those around us. This is how we can change from having a good day to a day that may not be so good. As an example; We can be Feeling good about our day as we enter our favourite Coffee Shop. At the counter some customer is having a disagreement with the cashier. When we leave the shop with our coffee we may not Feel quiet as good as we did when we entered the shop. We can pick-up some of the ENERGY from the two with the disagreement, and it has affected our Feelings.

Our FEELINGS are how we experience our Life and LIFE around us. What we FEEL is affected by both our "State of Mind" and our "Expectations".

The next post will be on - OUR INTENTIONS.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Core Beliefs

Next to the power of LIFE, BELIEF is the power that materializes how our Life unfolds. Most see Belief as something that is whimsical, fantasy or wishful thinking. This is not the BELIEF I am referring to here. We seldom ever question our BELIEFS, because we see them as TRUTHS and not necessarily as BELIEFS. We would not believe in something that is not TRUE, therefore we see our beliefs as truths. Even individuals that swear that there is a difference between KNOWING the truth, and that this knowing is beyond their BELIEFS - their Belief is in their KNOWING. One needs to believe that they are able to know something. This level of Belief is very fundamental of our psychic makeup, there is a difference between - "What I Believe" and "What I want to Believe". The whimsical beliefs that we all have originates from "What I want to Believe", but what we truly Believe is how our Life unfolds.

The question is how we move from what "I want to believe" to what "I believe"?

We all believe in the law of "cause and effect" that our science is based on. If we want to get physically stronger we go to the gym and exercise with the BELIEF that we will become physically stronger. The "cause" is the physical exercise and the "effect" is that we become physically stronger. This is TRUE.

What if I could show you a way of becoming physically stronger without any physical exercise? There was an experiment done at a major university in the US that wanted to explore the idea of "Mind over Matter". They had a group of volunteers, they first measured every one's finger strength, then broke them into three groups. The first group was given a finger exercise to do every day for 20 minutes for 2 weeks. It was a simple exercise of just straightening the finger and curling the finger in - repeated for 20 minutes. This first group was to do this exercise physically. The second group was told to only do the same exercise in their MINDS, no physical exercise. The third group was told not to do any exercise at all.

After the 2 weeks every one's finger strength was again measured. The first group that did the physical exercise recorded a 33% increase in their finger strength. The second group that did the exercise only in their mind recorded a surprising 20% increase in their finger strength. The third group that did no exercise showed no increase in their finger strength. What does this say about "cause & effect" Belief? - That it is not absolute!

Is it our BELIEF in "cause & effect" that creates the 13% difference between the first and second group results? If our BELIEF in "cause & effect" was not so strong would both groups have a 20% increase in their finger's strength? I can be fairly certain that the majority in the second group did not believe that their mental exercise would produce the physical results it did. I can be almost as certain that the first group believed their physical exercise would have a physical result.

How does our BELIEF about ourselves and about LIFE affect how our Life unfolds? What we see about our self as being TRUE(BELIEF) creates this truth. If we see our self as being stupid (because we have always been told that we are stupid) then we have no real choice but to act stupidly. We act stupidly, not because we are stupid but because we believe we are stupid, we see it as a FACT & TRUE.

There is a part in the movie "What the Bleep do we Know?" that talks about the cells in our body. The scientists talk about the issue of individuals that are fat. They state that there is some evidence that the cells in the body respond to our Beliefs - that if we believe that we are fat, then the cells have a tendency to store more calories instead of burning the calories. Our body's cells are acting to make our BELIEF true.

There is also the PLACEBO effect too. Where someone BELIEVES they are receiving a medication for their health issue and is cured - in fact they only received a "Sugar-pill". It is their BELIEF that cures them not the medication.

This CORE LEVEL OF BELIEF controls our physical world more than we think. There are no GOOD OR BAD BELIEFS, there are only EMPOWERING AND LIMITING BELIEFS. We need to ask our self if our BELIEFS empower us or limits us?

For more reading and information about BELIEF I recommend the following books;

The Spontaneous Healing of Belief by Gregg Braden

Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton Ph.D.

Monday, September 6, 2010


Acceptance is where we are trying to get to, it is our destination. The issue of ACCEPTANCE is tricky and is a issue of BALANCE. If there was a better word I would use it, but acceptance is the only word that describes what I am talking about here.

  1. We need to agree on the use of "ACCEPTANCE". When I am talking about our need to accept some issue we are dealing with, I do not mean that the issue is "okay or acceptable". I do mean that we need to accept the issue for what it is - be it acceptable or not. We can accept it as being unacceptable.
  2. The issue of BALANCE is a issue of WHAT we are accepting. The best way to describe this is with an example. A medical doctor broke his lower back in an accident and was paralyzed from the waist down. He knew the prognoses as being in a wheelchair for the rest of his Life. The doctor accepted the fact his back was broken - he did not accept the fact that he would be in a wheelchair for the rest of his Life. His belief in LIFE overcoming difficult situations meant that he believed that if he kept sending the message from his brain to his legs to move, that LIFE would find a way to get the message through. It took him 2 years of sending the message, but he was walking again. This is the BALANCE I am referring to - accepting his situation, not accepting his limited future.
The issue of acceptance is important when we are struggling with an issue or dealing with our suffering. When we are struggling with a issue or an experience we are having, we often have difficulty coming to terms with what we are experiencing. The struggle often results from our denial or judgments of the experience we are having. It is these denials and judgments that we attach to our experiences that causes our struggles and our suffering.

Often this process of ACCEPTING OUR ISSUES is seen as succumbing to fate or some other way of passively accepting what happens to us, with little or no control over our Lives. This is the farthest from the truth, acceptance gives us our power back to us - we are not controlled by our experiences. When we accept our issues for WHAT THEY ARE, we are much more able to deal with them in a productive manner and we are free to have new experiences.

Why ACCEPTANCE is important:

When we are struggling with our issues, we are living in our past, as we are struggling with issues that we have already experienced. These issues affect our present as we are too focused on them that we project them onto our present experiences, this limits our experiences of the present - this we call suffering.

When we accept our issues for what they are and we deal with them appropriately we become FREE from them. This freedom allows us to experience the present for what it has to offer, without clouding it with our past.

The past is done,

The future is yet to be,

The present is the real gift, that is why it is call the "present".

I recommend the book - Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach Ph.D. for more reading and information concerning the power of ACCEPTANCE.

Thursday, September 2, 2010



Human suffering can be many things that we are faced with. These can include - hunger, survival, pain (physical & emotional), denial, loss, self-esteem, judgments and other afflictions.

What we call suffering is a form of LEARNING. When we are dealing with these above afflictions we are SUFFERING until we have learned what the afflictions mean and how to deal with them and to accept them into our lives.

Why we SUFFER?

Life does not come with a book of instructions. We have so much to learn and to process - feelings, defining our self, defining our environment, understanding LIFE and other important issues of who "I am" and "My Life". These are things that each individual needs to learn and is not easily taught. We need to LEARN these issue through LIVING and EXPERIENCING, not through another. Others may assist and support us, but it is the individual that needs to experience LIFE.

There are different levels of suffering, from a very mild form to a very serve form. The mild form we may not even see as "suffering", when we learn and accept issues easily and quickly, to issues that we struggle with. The more we struggle the more we suffer.


When we are struggling we are in the process of assimilating different afflictions that we are experiencing - feelings, health, loss, desires and other similar issues. We struggle with them because we are in a state of DENIAL or because we are having a difficult time understanding them and HOW to assimilate (accept) them.

Denial is a big reason why we struggle and suffer over our ISSUES. We often deny our issues, when the issue we are experiencing does not align with our 'belief system". Denial is our attempt not to ACCEPT the experience we are having. Sometimes we are having a challenge in understanding what we are experiencing and why. Understanding our experiences can also cause us to hang-on to these issues, sometimes we need to just ACCEPT them for what they are - the meaning may come to us later. It is this hanging-on to issues that the often used Spiritual saying "let it go" comes from. SOMETIMES when we 'let go' the meaning and the why is revealed to us.

ACCEPTANCE is a big tool for us to use in reducing the level of SUFFERING that we experience. This ACCEPTANCE can be a complicated sense of BALANCE that we need to maintain.