Usui Reiki


Healing is always a process of becoming whole!

The only true HEALER is the INDIVIDUAL. Our bodies have the ability of HEALING any challenge that we have. The Individuals biggest challenge in HEALING is to believe in their own BODY'S ability to HEAL. Often the Individuals BELIEF is projected onto the HEALER, DOCTOR OR MEDICINE and this can produce, what I refer to as, a temporary HEALING. With one's BELIEF in the DOCTOR, HEALER OR MEDICINE the physical challenge will often return.

To obtain permanent HEALING one needs to place their BELIEF in their own physical BODY. HEALERS, DOCTORS and the MEDICINES we have can only ASSIST the body in its HEALING PROCESS. Where we place our BELIEF is critical to how we HEAL!

As an example of our BODY as the true HEALER I often use the issue of a BROKEN BONE. When we have a broken bone we go to the DOCTOR and the DOCTOR sets the bone and immobilizes the bone. The action of the DOCTOR allows the BODY to HEAL the broken bone, the DOCTOR ASSISTS the BODY to HEAL.

With Individuals that come to me to Heal I impress on them the need for them to BELIEVE in themselves and in their BODY. Often the HEALING will also work on their BELIEF in themselves!

HEALING is as natural as BREATHING AND EATING and for this reason, HEALING should never be a question of affordability. It is for this reason that my HEALING SERVICES are negotiable and it is left to the client as to what is affordable and how the client values my services. However, I also determine if I am able to assist the client in their HEALING and if I discern that I am unable to assist them I may not offer my services.


Reiki Character

Reiki is a Japanese tradition of Energy Healing.

It is a HEALING PROCESS and is not an instant healing massage. The modern commercialization of Reiki I find to be extremely annoying and disrespectful. I do not support or follow the light approach that is often taken with Reiki treatments and training.

Reiki is a Japanese word that is the combination of two other Japanese words - Rei - that means Spirit and Ki - that means Energy (Chi). The two words together - Reiki - Spirit Energy. This normally translate to the UNIVERSAL LIFE-FORCE ENERGY that everything in our Physical Realm is composed from (Quantum Mechanics). This LIFE-FORCE ENERGY is often call Chi in Chinese and Ki in Japanese.

The Reiki Tradition of Healing is where the Reiki Practitioner channels the source of the Ki (Chi) to the CLIENT. The practitioner is trained and attuned to the higher frequency of the SOURCE OF THE KI and is able to access the KI in its pure form and to channel it to the CLIENT.

This channelling of the Ki to the client is usually done through a set of hand positions on the client's body. It is a simple process of setting the hands on the client, no massage is used, just touch. These hand positions are taught to the practitioner in the 1st Degree of the Reiki training. Some practitioners will not even touch the client's body with their hands and will keep their hands a inch or two above the client's physical body.

The Ki that is being channelled is passed through the practitioner through their Crown Chakra and the Ki is passed to the client through the Chakra's in the practitioner's palms. Part of the training of the practitioner is to keep the Ki energy clean and not to mix their own Ki energy into the client. The energy flows only one way, so no energy from the client is flowing to the practitioner. When this is done properly the client is receiving the clean and healing power of the pure Ki energy.

Once the Ki is passed to the client it is up to the client to utilize this healing energy to its maximum healing ability. The client has two responsibilities in the HEALING SESSION;

  1. To totally relax their BODY. The more relaxed the body is the easier the ENERGY flows throughout the BODY.

  2. To be in a conscious state to RECEIVE the ENERGY. The more OPEN we are to receive the ENERGY the easier the BODY can receive the ENERGY, there is no BLOCKS.
The second point refers to the LEVEL OF TRUST the client has in both the Reiki Practitioner and the Reiki Energy itself. Any apprehension on the part of the client will affect how the BODY will receive and assimilate the Ki energy.

The Body has a natural INSTINCT and it is with this INSTINCT that the BODY will know the best use of this Ki energy that it is receiving. Left on its own the BODY will use the healing energy in a appropriate manner. However, we can also DIRECT the Ki. The Ki energy is manipulated by our INTENTIONS. When the INTENTION of both the practitioner and the client are aligned DRAMATIC healings can occur.

The History of Reiki has been passed down verbally with little written history to be found. This has caused some controversy on the actual historical events. Here I will try to stay with what is generally agreed.

Mikao Usui is the founder of the Reiki healing system and founded Reiki at the end of the 19th century. He was born in the village of Taniai in the year 1865. He was a life-long following of Buddhism and was educated in the Tendai Monastery. There has been some statements that Usui was Christian but this has mostly been abandoned.

Ms Hawayo K. Takata is generally seen as the founder of WESTERN REIKI, that is the Reiki we know of today. Usui was very adamant in not allowing Reiki outside of Japan and the Reiki Healing system was kept very secret. Even in Japan Reiki was not well known. Often Japanese individuals would discover Reiki after leaving Japan.

Ms Takata is who I want to concentrate here on, as she has some important information:

  1. When Takata found Reiki she was have some serious personal health issues. She choose to try Reiki at a clinic run by Dr. Chujiro Hayashi. Takata had to attend the clinic every day for her Reiki session for over a month to heal her health issue. Reiki is not a instant healing system, it follows the HEALING PROCESS.

  2. It is Takata that developed the HAND POSITIONS that is taught in the 1st Degree. She found the established hand positions as a simplified way of TEACHING Reiki to students. The exact hand positions are not critical and as the practitioner becomes more experienced these positions will often be modified.

  3. Takata would ATTUNE her student 4x for each of the 3 Degrees in the Reiki system. This means a single attunement is not going to have a lasting affect on the student being attuned.
In the commercialization of Reiki some of these points have been missed. In my practice of this HEALING ART, I follow Ms Takata's process. To read more about Ms Takata's work with Reiki I recommend - 'Reiki - Hawayo Takata's Story' by Helen J. Haberly


Note: The prices I state for my Reiki services are flexible, in that Healing is never a issue of affordability. The rates I quote is the standard I go by.

Reiki Session

Client rates: $150 for 12 - 30 minute sessions ($25 per hour).

I will not take on a client without a minimum of 12 - 30 minute sessions commitment by the client. These 12 session must also be scheduled with no more than 2 days between sessions. The Reiki sessions build on each other, more than 2 days between sessions reduces this affect.

After the original 12 sessions a assessment is done with the client. The assessment is to measure the affect of the Reiki sessions and to determine if any future sessions are required or wanted.


1st Degree - $150 - This class is for 4 full days spread over 2 weekends, with homework during the week between classes.

2nd Degree - $300 - This class is for 4 full days spread over 2 weekends, with homework during the week between classes. I require students have a minimum of 6 months of practice with the Self-Healing of the 1st Degree, I prefer 12 months of practice. The student also needs to have HEALED something in their Life.

3rd Degree - $600 - This class is usually done over 2 full days on 1 weekend. This level I require the student to have a minimum of 18 months of healing clients. This can extend the 2 days of class if the student has enough questions and participation in the 3rd Degree class. 

Reiki Shares:

Currently I am not operating any Reiki Shares. A Reiki Share is generaly for Reiki Students, Practitioners and Teachers to get together and to practice their Reiki skills on each other.

Reiki Shares can be tricky, what I mean by that is that Shares are more than just practicing our skills. The other experience with Shares is having a number of Reiki individuals chanelling the Ki at the same time into the person receiving the Ki. It can be a POWERFUL healing experience having 3, 4 or 5 individuals passing the Ki into the client. However, I have also had individuals that really did not like it, they felt overwhelmed with the intense energy.

When I do have Reiki Shares there are a few differences I add;

  1. I permit other Energy Healers to participate that may not be Reiki practitioners. There are other Energy (Chi) Healers besides Reiki. I also permit individuals who have no experience with Energy Healing to participate (I can temporarily attune them to channel the Ki).
  2. I break the group into no more than 4 together, 1 to receive the Ki and no more than 3 channelling. It is ideal to keep the size down to 3 with 1 receiving and 2 channelling.
Reiki Shares are totally by donation, with the sole objective is to pay the rent of the space.

My Usui Reiki Lineage

Mikao Usui

Chujiro Hayashi

Hawayo Takata

Phyllis Furonmoto

John Gray

Silvana Tonti-Eisner

Gyano Osterman

Shelina Manji

Kate Laidlaw

Ron Campbell