Saturday, November 27, 2010

Apatite Elixir - 6

The glass-tube did not work. The whole in the tube was too big to create a tight seal with my thumb and I could not keep the Elixir in the tube. I did buy a glass measuring cup and used that to bottle the Elixir. It took a day longer. I ended up with 55.5 bottles - 40-25ml plus 15.5-50ml bottles.

I printed up the labels and it went really smooth, printed the 56 labels in about a minute. The labels lined up perfectly with the printer.

I am now ready to exchange the Elixir with the rest of the class. We are meeting on Thursday and I am getting excited to try the 28 different Elixirs.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Apatite Elixir - 5

The bottles took all week to purify. Today I will dry the last 10 bottles. 60 bottles is a lot of bottles (40 25ml & 20 50ml). I found a glass tube for bottling the Elixir. I had to buy one of those glass bulbs with a long tube that is used for watering plants. I took it to a glass store and had them cut the long tube off. I hope it works....

Tomorrow is the FULL-MOON and I will start bottling the Elixir. If the glass tube doesn't work it will take some time to bottle 60 bottles with the DROPPER.

I will do a ceremony with the brandy and concluding the Elixir process, including a PIPE CEREMONY to bless the Elixir.

I still need to print up the labels and to label the bottles. I hope to have everything finished by Tuesday and to drop off the 30 bottles at Crystalworks on Tuesday.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Apatite Elixir - 4

I started the process of purifying the bottles and droppers:

I used a glass bowl and used the last 2 liters of distilled Water. I offered some tobacco to the cedar tree outside my place and picked some cedar brows.

I smudged the bowl, water, cedar and bottles.

I then sat with the Water and awaken the Spirit of the Water to my intention and asked the Water to work with the Cedar to purify the bottles and droppers.

I then sat with the Cedar and awaken the Spirit of the Cedar to my intention and asked the Cedar to work with the Water to purify the bottles and droppers.

I then put the Cedar in the bowl of Water and was able to fit 20 bottles and droppers in the bowl of Cedar-Water to purify. The bottles and droppers need to soak in the Cedar-Water for at least 24 hours.

With 60 bottles and droppers to purify it will take a minimum of 3 days to do them all. I will keep the purified bottles and droppers in a dark drawer with some SAGE to keep them in their purified state until bottling.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Gem Elixirs

I have really enjoyed doing the Blue Apatite Elixir and I would like to try 2 other Stones before deciding how successful the Elixirs are.

I would like to try it again and see how the process goes and if I can refine the process. Connecting with the Spirit of the Stone and the Water is extremely inspiring. The next Stone I would like to work with is Bloodstone - Grounding, Courage & Blood purifying. It would make an interesting Elixir.

I think I will try to start the Bloodstone Elixir at the next New Moon. I don't know how the time will work out, after finishing with the Blue Apatite, it may not be until the following New Moon.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Apatite Elixir - 3

I have been working with the Elixir and the Apatite over the past few days. Not so much with the Elixir itself, but creating the bottle labels, writing a short info sheet.

I have also been asking for guidance on adding alcohol to the Elixir. At the beginning I did not think I would add any, as I did not see any reason to. The fact that the instructions say to, is not a good enough reason for me, I needed more. I have decided to add one ounce of alcohol to the 2 liters of Elixir. The reason I have come to this, that the alcohol acts as a finisher to the Elixir creation process, it ends the interaction of the Water and Apatite Energies. The alcohol also acts to encapsulate the Elixir to preserving it. There does not need to be a lot of alcohol so 1 oz to 2 L is adequate.

I have been back and forth on this issue of adding the alcohol over the last few days. However, this issue of finishing the process and preserving the Elixir is very strong.

Another strong thought I have had over the last few days is the issue of HEAT and the Elixir. Heat is the result of chemical reaction and it is the HEAT of our Body (37 degrees C or 98.6 degrees F) that releases the Apatite energy from the Water molecules to work with our Body's energy system. With HEAT being the trigger to releasing the Apatite energy it is beneficial that the Elixir not be mixed with HOT LIQUIDS for maximum effect. This does not mean that one cannot mix the Elixir in their Tea or other hot drinks or even soups, but the effect will not be the same.

As I have mentioned earlier I have 2 Liters of the Elixir being made. 2 Liters is a lot more than 30 - 25ml bottles can hold. There is 1000ml to 1 liter, so I bought another 30 bottles - 10 - 25ml and 20 - 50ml bottles. This gives me enough bottles to bottle the 2 Liters of Elixir.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Blue Apatite Elixir


The Energy and Spirit of the Blue Apatite benefits and support us in many ways. The Energy of the Apatite aligns with our 6th Chakra and helps to clear and to energize this Chakra. The Energy of the Apatite also energizes and helps to strengthen our AURA.

Working with our 6th Chakra means that the Energy and Spirit of Apatite assists us in our mental areas.  Apatite helps us in having CLAIRITY OF THOUGHT – reducing confusion and uncertainty.  In this aspect Apatite is often associated as a “Teacher’s Stone” in that a Teacher needs to have clear thoughts in order to teach their students. On the other side of this as a student (we are all students of LIFE) Apatite can help us to clearly understand our LESSONS.

Our 6th Chakra is our Third-eye Chakra and as such the Spirit of Apatite can assist us in the development of our Psychic abilities. We all have Psychic abilities but not always aware of them or focused to develop them, Apatite can help with this.


Apatite can work on reducing or alleviating HEADACHES and as the name implies it BALANCES ONE’S APATITE. If one is always hungry, Apatite can reduce these states. If one is never hungry, Apatite can stimulate one’s hunger (helpful with eating disorders).  Apatite also assists in relieving EYE STRAIN caused by sitting at the computer for hours and with other Physical Eye Issues


The Blue Apatite Elixir has the Energy of the Blue Apatite fused with the Energy of the Water. The Water is an excellent receptor for this Energy. When we put 2 or 3 drops of the Elixir under our tongue the heat of our body will release the Apatite energy to merge with our Energy. This is why I do not recommend mixing the Elixir in hot liquids.  The Elixir can be mixed with drinking water or juices.

When taking the Elixir try and be more mindful of both your body’s Energy and your mental state. Your body’s Energy may be more energized and you may find less confusion and more confidence in your mental state. Also be aware of your INTUITION as it may be heightened. These are subtle energies and we can easily discount them if we are not mindful of them.

You can download the Information Sheet on the Blue Apatite Elixir at

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Apatite Elixir - 2

I started the process last night. I set up the alter for the Elixir to work. I smudged the area with Sage. Offered my offering of Tobacco to the spirits to assist in the process.

I called upon the SPIRIT of the WATER and the Mineral Kingdom and the family of APATITE, specifically the BLUE APATITE.

When I was meditating with the WATER and calling upon the SPIRIT of the WATER I asked the WATER to be open to receiving the ENERGY of the APATITE.

I was immediately warned not to stay connected to the WATER very long, or it would start to absorb my own ENERGY instead of the APATITE. I quickly received a mental image of the WATER molecule and suddenly the molecule POPPED OPEN. I do not know how else to explain it, the molecule did not physically change but I had a strong awareness that the molecule was suddenly aware and open to RECEIVE. I quickly put the container back on the alter and left the WATER, to set my attention on the APATITE.

The APATITE took a little longer. I meditated and connected with the SPIRIT of the APATITE FAMILY and called to the BLUE APATITE. I asked the APATITE to connect its ENERGY and SPIRIT with the WATER. I explained to the APATITE of the Elixir and the INTENTION of the Elixir to SERVE to assist the HUMAN KINGDOM. I waited and held my crystal of APATITE and stayed connected with the SPIRIT until I felt the SPIRIT was in acceptance of my request. I then put the crystal in the container of WATER. I put a glass plate upside-down over the top of the container to keep any other ENERGIES from contaminating the Elixir.

I then placed an ARRAY of crystals around the container. 4 APATITE crystals (1 in each of the 4 directions) plus 4 small clear quartz crystals (1 in each of the cross-directions) with the terminations pointing inwards towards the container. I worked with the clear quartz crystals and asked them to work with the APATITE and to strengthen the APATITE ENERGY.

I plan to sit with the alter each night until the FULL-MOON and the Elixir will be ready to bottle. I will post on this as things develop.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Apatite Elixir - 1

I got my 30 bottles with dropper, my distalled water, glass container and apatite crystal. Tonight is the New Moon so I will start the Elixir tonight.

From my Shaman path, the WATER is as important as the APATITE, both have a SPIRIT that needs to work together to create the ELIXIR. Tonight when I meditate with the New Moon I will call upon the Spirit of the Water and the Apatite to begin the process.

Tomorrow I will post on the night's meditation and the connection with the SPIRITS.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Mineral Kingdom

The Mineral Kingdom is the Elder of the 4 Kingdoms and posses the WISDOM of the ages. Members of the Mineral Kingdom are the many different STONES & CRYSTALS that we find our self playing with. The Mineral Kingdom has been here since the beginning of CREATION and long before any of the other Kingdoms appeared.

The different members of the Mineral Kingdom, I refer to as the different families of the Mineral Kingdom. For example - Citrine is a family of the Mineral Kingdom, Apatite is another, Tourmaline is another and etc.

Tourmaline is an interesting example as there are many different colours or types of Tourmaline. All of the different types of Tourmaline are BROTHERS & SISTERS but they are ALL a part of the Tourmaline FAMILY.

ALL the members of the Mineral Kingdom have a CONSCIOUSNESS and a SPIRIT just like any other KINGDOM. We can connect to this consciousness and spirit when we set our INTENTION to do so.

The CHALLENGE of comprehending the Mineral Kingdom's CONSCIOUSNESS:

We interpret LIFE and CONSCIOUSNESS according to what we EXPERIENCE. We define CONSCIOUSNESS by how we experience CONSCIOUSNESS, this is a very limiting definition.

We are part of the HUMAN KINGDOM and as such we are the NEW KIDS on the block of LIFE. The ANIMAL KINGDOM is very closely related to our KINGDOM, some even include us in the ANIMAL KINGDOM. We can easily relate to the ANIMAL KINGDOM, because they demonstrate a very similar LIFE experience; they move around, they breath, they eat, they reproduce, they have communities. The ANIMAL KINGDOM experiences LIFE in much the same manner that we do, we can easily relate. They experience DEATH much as we do!

The PLANT KINGDOM is more removed from us. We still consider PLANTS as LIFE, but not so sure of CONSCIOUSNESS. The reason being is that PLANTS have very little that is similar to us. PLANTS experience and expresses themselves differently than we do (or ANIMALS). However, we do enjoy having PLANTS around us, flowers and other house-plants. They add LIFE to our environment.

In fact the PLANT KINGDOM demonstrates a CONSCIOUSNESS that is not as obvious as ANIMALS do. There is an interesting book - "Secret Life of Plants" - where the PLANTS CONSCIOUSNESS is measured and observed. Where the Plant responds to its environment, even responding when there is VIOLENCE in their environment. The Plants do everything that we and animals do, just differently. This difference does not mean that the PLANTS are less alive or conscious, just different.

There is another interesting book - "Plant Spirit Medicine" - that even goes farther on this. The author works in the Healing Arts and calls upon the SPIRIT of the Plants to heal his clients. What I mean is that he will often give his client a potted plant to look after and to keep beside their beds. The client is to look after the plant, but not to use any physical part of the plant. The SPIRIT OF THE PLANT is what heals the client, not the PHYSICAL PLANT. The author has successfully healed his clients through this process.

One of the big differences that begins with the PLANT KINGDOM, is the concepts of BIRTH & DEATH. In the Animal and Human Kingdoms these are very much the same. Plants are the starting point of where this PHYSICAL REALM is a Realm of MORTALITY.

Plants have an extremely diverse LIFE-SPAN. Some Plants will only be around for 1 year, others like the great REDWOODS will be around for HUNDREDS OF YEARS. It is this extreme variation in the Life-Span of PLANTS that begins the possibility that DEATH may not be as inevitable as we believe.

The MINERAL KINGDOM is much more removed from us, to a point that we do not normally see the Mineral Kingdom as being ALIVE, let alone with a CONSCIOUSNESS.

The UNDERSTANDING that the MINERAL KINGDOM is ALIVE and CONSCIOUS is the ENERGY that they consist of. Quantum Science tells us that EVERYTHING in our Physical Universe is composed from ENERGY and that EVERYTHING is connected through this ENERGY. They refer to this ENERGY as the FABRIC OF LIFE.

The QUESTION is how this FABRIC is weaved? This FABRIC OF ENERGY is weaved by the CONSCIOUSNESS OF ONE that is the SPIRIT REALM. This means that EVERYTHING in our Physical Universe is a part of this CONSCIOUSNESS OF ONE, and that EVERYTHING (including the MINERAL KINGDOM) has a CONSCIOUSNESS. Everything has to have a CONSCIOUSNESS or it would not exist in this Physical Universe [without consciousness it would not be a part of this FABRIC OF LIFE].

This means that the RIVER that may flow past your home, also has a CONSCIOUSNESS/SPIRIT as well. The STONES in the RIVER also has SPIRIT.

How we CONNECT to these foreign SPIRITS?

As members of the HUMAN KINGDOM we have a trait that is unique and it is our IMAGINATION. ONE of the major differences between the ANIMAL KINGDOM and the HUMAN KINGDOM, is the aspect of our IMAGINATION. Our IMAGINATION is a very powerful facet of our BEING. It is both a BLESSING and a CURSE. It is our IMAGINATION that allows us to CREATE, it also means that we are seldom happy with what we have because we can IMAGINE SOMETHING BETTER.

Our IMAGINATION is our doorway to the SPIRIT REALM. The IMAGINATION is like any POWERFUL TOOL, it can be misused and can even be dangerous. When we use our IMAGINATION with our EXPECTATIONS or DESIRES we can CREATE a FANTASY that can be misleading. This can happen when we are using our IMAGINATION to connect with the SPIRIT REALM. Our IMAGINATION is like any other tool, it is how we use it that makes it a BLESSING or a CURSE.

When we are using our IMAGINATION to connect with the MINERAL KINGDOM, we are using it to move out of our Left Hemisphere of our brain and into our Right Hemisphere. The Left Hemisphere is where our LOGICAL thinking occurs, and our LOGICAL MIND does not like the idea of talking to a STONE. The Right Hemisphere is where our CREATIVE thinking occurs and this is where the POSSIBILITY of talking to a STONE can be acceptable.

When we are being challenged in connecting with the MINERAL KINGDOM we need to ask our self one question:


When we ask our self this question we immediately move from our Left Hemisphere to our Right Hemisphere and we activate our IMAGINATION. When we ask this question, we need to be as OPEN as possible to ACCEPT whatever comes to us.

What I mean by being OPEN, is not to let our EXPECTATIONS or DESIRES to influence WHAT WE IMAGINE. The important point here is not that we have imagined what we experienced from the STONE, it is WHAT we have imagined that is IMPORTANT. When we are truly OPEN it is WHAT we imagine that is coming from the STONE. Our EXPECTATIONS and DESIRES come from our LOGICAL MIND (Left Hemisphere) that is trying to influence our IMAGINATION.

When we are connecting to the MINERAL KINGDOM we are connecting to the ENERGY and the SPIRIT of the KINGDOM, not the PHYSICAL aspect. This means that WHAT we experience will come in the form - Energy, Emotion, Feelings and/or Thoughts. We need to be AWARE on all of these fronts.

We need to ACCEPT, WHAT we experience, without DOUBT or DISBELIEF. DOUBT and DISBELIEF is again from our LOGICAL MIND and our Left hemisphere. Our LOGICAL MIND is uncomfortable dealing with the Energy & Spiritual Realms as it is difficult for our LOGICAL MIND to comprehend these NON-PHYSICAL realms.

Healthy skepticism is always good, as long as we do not allow the skepticism to limit our experiences.


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Laying-on-of-Stones - Soup

Since the end of the Melody's workshops I have been wondering what it would be like with limited types of Crystals, in the Arrays.

During the workshops there was such a mixture of Stones & Crystals from everyone's own collection that I find it often becomes like a SOUP of ENERGY. Everyone loves a good SOUP, it is nourishing and energizing.

I wonder how effective that last large exercise would have been with just a few different Stones & Crystals (with the Triangle, Circle and Square).

Clear Quartz works with any Stone or Crystal and is great to direct the energy. If we limited the Triangle to just Amethysts, the Circle to just Rose Quartz, and the Square to Kyanite. I wonder how this would be experienced compared to the mixture that we experienced in the workshop?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Melody's requirement of keeping a hand on our client during a session I found to be very GROUNDING. Although we were not suppose to GROUND energetically I found the constant touch of the practitioner to be GROUNDING.

I find the sensation of TOUCH to be very strong when working with our ENERGY SYSTEMS. When I do Energy Work I DO NOT LAY MY HANDS ON THE PERSON. I keep my hands half inch to 1 inch above the person. Keeping my hands above the person allows me to sense the energy of the Chakra I am working on, plus I can sense the energy flowing from my palms. When my hands are touching the person my sense of TOUCH over-powers my sense of the ENERGY.

Melody's position with the constant TOUCH is not to ABANDON our client. I think "ABANDON" needs to be defined. I am not sure how Melody would think of my practice. When I start a Reiki session I settle the client in position and place my Crystals around the client. THEN I LEAVE THE ROOM OR SPACE FOR 5 TO 10 MINUTES and leave the client alone with the CRYSTALS. I tell the client that I am leaving them alone with the CRYSTALS for 5 to 10 minutes and I want them to relax and to enjoy the ENERGY OF THE CRYSTALS. To say that I ABANDON my client, I would disagree in that I am putting my client in the care of the CRYSTALS.

To me it is important to leave the client completely alone with the CRYSTALS. When we are ALONE we are much less guarded, and in a better position to RECEIVE. The CRYSTAL energy encourages this state to RECEIVE, and being alone with them the client quickly enters into this state. When I return to give the Reiki session the client is very much in a state to RECEIVE the energy. This allows me to give a 30 minute session that would normally require 60 minutes.

Apatite Elixir

I will try to blog while doing this assignment from Melody's workshop. I hope to start on the next NEW MOON.

I talked to Karen the other day and she is not sure how everyone is going to get their Elixir done in a short time. I hope to get my bottles on Friday, if I find a good price and a good source for the bottles I will let everyone know.

I picked Blue Apatite to do my Elixir as one of its properties is to energize the AURA. I believe that most of us do not spend enough time working with our AURA. We work with our Chakras and sometimes with the Meridians, but little focus on our AURA.

Monday, November 1, 2010


The Chakra being OPEN or CLOSED?

What is the benefit of having our Chakras OPEN all of the time? When do we want them CLOSED?

I think the place to begin is to establish the fact that the Chakras are ABLE to be OPEN OR CLOSE. The Chakras are the only Energy system where we have this option, the Meridians have no such option, the Aura we can choose to have close around us or far around us, but no ON/OFF, or OPEN/CLOSE option. With the option of opening or closing the Chakras, there must be a purpose for having this option.

What are our Chakras?

Before we go into the issue of CLOSING or OPENING our Chakras we should understand what our CHAKRAS ARE. In many teachings the Chakras are seen as the ENERGY CENTERS of the ENERGETIC BODY. They are more than just energy centers, they also consists of the different components of our SOUL.

In the Peru Shaman tradition, when we leave this Physical Realm our 8th Chakra (that is about a foot above our head) becomes much bigger. The 7 body Chakras leave the body and enters the 8th Chakra. The 8th chakra then leaves for the Spirit Realm with our SOUL. If the 7 body Chakras are unable to leave the body the SOUL is unable to return to the Spirit realm, until the body decays.

There are many reasons why the 7 body chakras may not be able to leave the body, thus the different rituals on leaving this Physical realm. The point being is that the 7 Chakras are critical parts of our SOUL.

The Chakras are also Energy centers for our Energetic Body and energizes our Meridians and our Aura. The Chakras, Meridians and Aura are always connected and the Opening or Closing of a Chakra does not affect the Chakra's connection with these parts of our Energetic Body.

ALL 7 Chakras energizes our AURA and it is our AURA that interacts with our ENVIRONMENT. With a healthy AURA our AURA will display a rainbow colour, with different colours representing the 7 Chakras. When our AURA interacts with our environment issues can arise with our Chakra through the system that energizes the AURA.


We are able to OPEN and CLOSE our CHAKRAS. We are able to OPEN the Chakra in order to work on the Chakra, we can CHARGE the Chakra, clear any BLOCKAGES in the Chakra and to remove any CORDS that may be giving us problems. We CLOSE the Chakra after we have worked on the Chakra in order to CONSERVE ENERGY and to PROTECT the Chakra from direct interference from our environment, including CORDS that may attach to our Chakra.

Some Shamans will keep their CROWN CHAKRA open and connected with our 8th CHAKRA that resides about a foot above our head. Keeping this Chakra open and connected with the 8th Chakra is believed to keep the Shaman more connected to the SPIRIT REALM, where the Shaman does most of his/her work.

I believe the natural state of the CHAKRAS is CLOSED. That we have to have an INTENTION to OPEN the CHAKRAS. To keep them OPEN also requires a level of INTENTION. This natural state of the CHAKRAS being CLOSED means that it is not necessary to CLOSE the CHAKRA after working on them, as they will CLOSE on their own. However, I think it is good practice to CLOSE the CHAKRA after working on them.

This is my understanding of how the CHAKRAS work and why we OPEN and CLOSE our Chakras.