About Me

My name is Ron Campbell; I turn 61 in November 2010,
I live in North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

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Knowledge & Experience:

Labour Law, Human Rights - I have represented individuals that have been WRONGED by Unions, Unionized Employers, Non-Unionized Employers, and Government Agencies. I have been doing this advocacy work all of my working Life.

Reiki - I have studied Reiki for over 8 years, received my 1st Degree training and diploma in 2002. The 1st Degree is the Student level and focuses on SELF-HEALING. This level I found to be the toughest to master and to some degree I am still trying to master the SELF-HEALING. It was three years before I felt ready to take my 2nd Degree which I received in 2005. The 2nd Degree is the Practitioner level and is when one can start to HEAL OTHERS. I found it much easier to Heal others than to Heal myself. I received my 3rd Degree in 2007. The 3rd Degree is the Master/Teacher level and the final level of Reiki, it is the level where the person can teach Reiki to others. 

Crystals & Stones - Crystals & Stones are a deep passion for me and have been since my grandfather showed me my first "Tiger-eye" stone when I was 9 years old. The energy and wisdom in these grandmothers and grandfathers is awesome. I use them in my Reiki practice and the two really compliment each other. I have also done MEDITATIONS with the Crystals & Stones as a way of re-sensitizing individuals to the ENERGY they have. In our modern society we have become desensitized to this ENERGY.

"Master of Crystology" Certificate by Melody
Levels one & two October 27, 2010
Certified in Laying-on-of-Stones & Laying-on-of-Hands - Art of Healing

Shamanism - I have followed a Shaman spiritual path for the last 10 years, since 2000. The first few years I was with a Teacher that was taught in the Peru Tradition and I learned the MEDICINE WHEEL teachings, SPIRIT JOURNEYS (often referred to as Dreamtime) and the teachings of the TOTEM and the SPIRIT REALM. It was during this time that I made my own DRUM and RATTLE. After this I met a Metis Elder that taught me the Native American Shaman Traditions - Herbal Medicine (Sage, Sweetgrass, Tobacco and Ceder), the Sweat Lodge, Vision Quests/Fasts, The Sacred Pipe Ceremony. I was with the Metis Elder for 4 or 5 years and became a Pipe Carrier. I carved my own Pipe, the Pipe Maker brought me my Pipe from New Mexico and it was a rough piece of Pipe Stone with the bowl drilled out and the hole for the stem but the rest was just a rough piece of stone. The stem was a rectangle piece of Alder with the hole drilled. It was up to me to finish my Pipe.

Core Beliefs:

I love writing and sharing IDEAS, THOUGHTS and POSSIBILITIES with others. I enjoy lively discussions and even passionate debates, as long as they remain RESPECTFUL.

I see myself as an INDIVIDUAL and "I see you" as a INDIVIDUAL first and foremost. What do I mean by this - I do not align myself with any organized Beliefs, Groups or take Experts too seriously. I see each INDIVIDUAL as a unique and creative Life, that has value and beauty in their own right. The INDIVIDUALS Beliefs or Groups that they are aligned with are SECONDARY.

Let me explain what I mean by not aligning with any - Organized Beliefs, Groups or Experts;

Organized Beliefs - I know this is an odd term to use, I just do not know how else to describe this point. It is common to say Organized Religion and this is part of the group that fits into this point. However, Religion is not the only group, what I refer to as Classical Science also belongs here. Why you may ask does Science fit here? Science is as DOGMATIC about this physical realm as Religion is about the spiritual realm. Any BELIEF that follows strict DOGMA is extremely LIMITING and thus limits our ability to reach our full potential. This can be expanded to include ANY BELIEF SYSTEM that sees itself as the only TRUTH, and ALL other BELIEFS are FALSE.

The truly EMPOWERING BELIEFS are the BELIEFS that the INDIVIDUAL develops and adopts as their OWN. LIFE is dynamic and never static and our BELIEFS need to reflect this. DOGMA is an attempt to make a BELIEF static and is then much easier to CONTROL. We need to be OPEN-MINDED enough to reach our true potential. To read more about BELIEFS read my post.

Groups - I hesitate in joining groups due to the fact that they often develop their own agenda that is separate from the purpose the Group was formed. I have two examples of what I mean;

Unions: I was very active in my Union for about 15 years. I represented my MEMBERS and often fought with the Union Officials as often as I did with the Employer. Without a long and drawn out explanation there is one situation that demonstrates what I mean.

I was elected by the MEMBERSHIP to the Provincial Bargaining Committee to negotiate the next Union Contract. After I was elected to the Committee the Union Officials told me that I had to toe-the-line as I now represented the Union to the Membership. I told them "NO - the members elected me to represent them to the Committee, not to represent the Union to them". The UNION has its own agenda that may or may not be in alignment with the MEMBERS.

Reiki Groups: I do not belong to any Reiki Associations. It has become popular now for Reiki to consists of 4 separate Degrees or Levels. Traditionally Reiki has consisted of 3 Degrees - Student, Practitioner and Teacher. The addition of the 4th Degree does nothing to increase the HEALING ability of Reiki, only to increase the COST of learning Reiki. The focus of the Reiki Associations is more on the Association itself then on Reiki (thus the conflicts between the Associations).

Experts - As I have stated earlier, I see everyone as a INDIVIDUAL first, Experts are no different. This means the Expert can be just as WRONG as anyone else. It doesn't matter what one's position is one can find a Expert to support their position. The best current example I have is the issue of "Global Warming" there are Experts on both sides of this issue. The issue that develops is one of "Name Calling" - when two Experts have opposing views we start to say one is more creditable than the other or who finances who, nothing to do with the science.

Experts have value and I definitely listen to their input, but they do not have the final word or make my decision for me.


As Human Beings we live in Communities, but, there are different types of communities. In my BELIEF we build strong communities, when the community supports the INDIVIDUAL. With strong INDIVIDUALS we have strong communities. Communities that try to CONTROL or LIMIT the INDIVIDUAL will have weak communities.

To me a community is successful, not by what it achieves or creates, but by how it treats the poorest and weakest members of the community. This can also be said about SOCIETY at large.


I will not list all of my Life-Values here, but I will list three that are relevant;
  1. Integrity - Living and acting on my word and my beliefs are important to me. I am not always as successful as I would like, but I do my best.
  2. Fairness - LIFE may not be FAIR, but we have been given our FREE-WILL by the creator and we can choose to act FAIRLY or not, the choice is ours. I choose to act FAIRLY with ALL. As a part of LIFE we have the responsibility to bring FAIRNESS TO LIFE.
  3. Respect - To respect ALL LIFE, even to the parts of LIFE that I may not like or agree with, needs to be treated with a level of RESPECT. To respect the right of the INDIVIDUAL TO BE UNIQUE.
These are three of my more fundamental VALUES that I try to live my Life by. I may not always be as successful as I would like but I am always doing my best. Hopefully I am getting better at it.