The different members of the Mineral Kingdom, I refer to as the different families of the Mineral Kingdom. For example - Citrine is a family of the Mineral Kingdom, Apatite is another, Tourmaline is another and etc.
Tourmaline is an interesting example as there are many different colours or types of Tourmaline. All of the different types of Tourmaline are BROTHERS & SISTERS but they are ALL a part of the Tourmaline FAMILY.
ALL the members of the Mineral Kingdom have a CONSCIOUSNESS and a SPIRIT just like any other KINGDOM. We can connect to this consciousness and spirit when we set our INTENTION to do so.
The CHALLENGE of comprehending the Mineral Kingdom's CONSCIOUSNESS:
We interpret LIFE and CONSCIOUSNESS according to what we EXPERIENCE. We define CONSCIOUSNESS by how we experience CONSCIOUSNESS, this is a very limiting definition.
We are part of the HUMAN KINGDOM and as such we are the NEW KIDS on the block of LIFE. The ANIMAL KINGDOM is very closely related to our KINGDOM, some even include us in the ANIMAL KINGDOM. We can easily relate to the ANIMAL KINGDOM, because they demonstrate a very similar LIFE experience; they move around, they breath, they eat, they reproduce, they have communities. The ANIMAL KINGDOM experiences LIFE in much the same manner that we do, we can easily relate. They experience DEATH much as we do!
The PLANT KINGDOM is more removed from us. We still consider PLANTS as LIFE, but not so sure of CONSCIOUSNESS. The reason being is that PLANTS have very little that is similar to us. PLANTS experience and expresses themselves differently than we do (or ANIMALS). However, we do enjoy having PLANTS around us, flowers and other house-plants. They add LIFE to our environment.
In fact the PLANT KINGDOM demonstrates a CONSCIOUSNESS that is not as obvious as ANIMALS do. There is an interesting book - "Secret Life of Plants" - where the PLANTS CONSCIOUSNESS is measured and observed. Where the Plant responds to its environment, even responding when there is VIOLENCE in their environment. The Plants do everything that we and animals do, just differently. This difference does not mean that the PLANTS are less alive or conscious, just different.
There is another interesting book - "Plant Spirit Medicine" - that even goes farther on this. The author works in the Healing Arts and calls upon the SPIRIT of the Plants to heal his clients. What I mean is that he will often give his client a potted plant to look after and to keep beside their beds. The client is to look after the plant, but not to use any physical part of the plant. The SPIRIT OF THE PLANT is what heals the client, not the PHYSICAL PLANT. The author has successfully healed his clients through this process.
One of the big differences that begins with the PLANT KINGDOM, is the concepts of BIRTH & DEATH. In the Animal and Human Kingdoms these are very much the same. Plants are the starting point of where this PHYSICAL REALM is a Realm of MORTALITY.
Plants have an extremely diverse LIFE-SPAN. Some Plants will only be around for 1 year, others like the great REDWOODS will be around for HUNDREDS OF YEARS. It is this extreme variation in the Life-Span of PLANTS that begins the possibility that DEATH may not be as inevitable as we believe.
The MINERAL KINGDOM is much more removed from us, to a point that we do not normally see the Mineral Kingdom as being ALIVE, let alone with a CONSCIOUSNESS.
The UNDERSTANDING that the MINERAL KINGDOM is ALIVE and CONSCIOUS is the ENERGY that they consist of. Quantum Science tells us that EVERYTHING in our Physical Universe is composed from ENERGY and that EVERYTHING is connected through this ENERGY. They refer to this ENERGY as the FABRIC OF LIFE.
The QUESTION is how this FABRIC is weaved? This FABRIC OF ENERGY is weaved by the CONSCIOUSNESS OF ONE that is the SPIRIT REALM. This means that EVERYTHING in our Physical Universe is a part of this CONSCIOUSNESS OF ONE, and that EVERYTHING (including the MINERAL KINGDOM) has a CONSCIOUSNESS. Everything has to have a CONSCIOUSNESS or it would not exist in this Physical Universe [without consciousness it would not be a part of this FABRIC OF LIFE].
This means that the RIVER that may flow past your home, also has a CONSCIOUSNESS/SPIRIT as well. The STONES in the RIVER also has SPIRIT.
How we CONNECT to these foreign SPIRITS?
As members of the HUMAN KINGDOM we have a trait that is unique and it is our IMAGINATION. ONE of the major differences between the ANIMAL KINGDOM and the HUMAN KINGDOM, is the aspect of our IMAGINATION. Our IMAGINATION is a very powerful facet of our BEING. It is both a BLESSING and a CURSE. It is our IMAGINATION that allows us to CREATE, it also means that we are seldom happy with what we have because we can IMAGINE SOMETHING BETTER.
Our IMAGINATION is our doorway to the SPIRIT REALM. The IMAGINATION is like any POWERFUL TOOL, it can be misused and can even be dangerous. When we use our IMAGINATION with our EXPECTATIONS or DESIRES we can CREATE a FANTASY that can be misleading. This can happen when we are using our IMAGINATION to connect with the SPIRIT REALM. Our IMAGINATION is like any other tool, it is how we use it that makes it a BLESSING or a CURSE.
When we are using our IMAGINATION to connect with the MINERAL KINGDOM, we are using it to move out of our Left Hemisphere of our brain and into our Right Hemisphere. The Left Hemisphere is where our LOGICAL thinking occurs, and our LOGICAL MIND does not like the idea of talking to a STONE. The Right Hemisphere is where our CREATIVE thinking occurs and this is where the POSSIBILITY of talking to a STONE can be acceptable.
When we are being challenged in connecting with the MINERAL KINGDOM we need to ask our self one question:
When we ask our self this question we immediately move from our Left Hemisphere to our Right Hemisphere and we activate our IMAGINATION. When we ask this question, we need to be as OPEN as possible to ACCEPT whatever comes to us.
What I mean by being OPEN, is not to let our EXPECTATIONS or DESIRES to influence WHAT WE IMAGINE. The important point here is not that we have imagined what we experienced from the STONE, it is WHAT we have imagined that is IMPORTANT. When we are truly OPEN it is WHAT we imagine that is coming from the STONE. Our EXPECTATIONS and DESIRES come from our LOGICAL MIND (Left Hemisphere) that is trying to influence our IMAGINATION.
When we are connecting to the MINERAL KINGDOM we are connecting to the ENERGY and the SPIRIT of the KINGDOM, not the PHYSICAL aspect. This means that WHAT we experience will come in the form - Energy, Emotion, Feelings and/or Thoughts. We need to be AWARE on all of these fronts.
We need to ACCEPT, WHAT we experience, without DOUBT or DISBELIEF. DOUBT and DISBELIEF is again from our LOGICAL MIND and our Left hemisphere. Our LOGICAL MIND is uncomfortable dealing with the Energy & Spiritual Realms as it is difficult for our LOGICAL MIND to comprehend these NON-PHYSICAL realms.
Healthy skepticism is always good, as long as we do not allow the skepticism to limit our experiences.
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